Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eddie Munster Again

With Miley Cyrus not getting into any trouble the first two days of her being 18 and the Thanksgiving long weekend making even the worst stars behave, it seems as if there is nothing left to do but to talk about Eddie Munster again. When we last heard from Eddie, he had checked himself into rehab and was trying to straighten out his life. Well, after a week of rehab he felt he was ready to take on the world again and according to Radar, he almost overdosed when he left rehab.

So, his family staged an intervention and Eddie has been put into a $25K a week rehab facility. Since, Eddie has no insurance and his family does not have that much money, the rehab facility is providing the treatment to Eddie gratis. You like that? A little French today? Huh? Yeah, yeah, I am drinking. Kind of sad that I am talking about drinking in a post about a guy going to rehab. Probably not in the best taste.


  1. Cheers!

    I do wish Ed the best though. I know it's tough keeping it together this time of the year especially.

  2. As my stepmother once said when someone was talking about someone we knew being sober for a year..."I'll drink to that."

  3. I had a big test today and hit the liquor store immediately after...whattaya know, I ran in to some classmates. :) Salud!

  4. So he's going to shrill for them, when he completes treatment?

  5. (Enty, Enty, Enty. I thought you were a lawyer. Don't they make lawyers learn all kinds of Latin shit? Like gratis?)

  6. $25k a week and they're letting him stay there free? I hope it works this time around. If not, he should have to pay them back. Work there - do the gardening for several years or something...

  7. Is this Michael Lohan's new rehab facility?
    If so, no wonder it's free. The cameras and microphones will certainly more than cover the 25k a week.
    Well, maybe not in this case, however maybe it's a dress rehearsal?

  8. Man it is a slow gossip day. I had my suspicions when I read that Dlisted post about Johnny Rotten's fart, but this confirms it.

  9. lol Kristen - you beat me to it. "Gratis" is Latin, "gratuit" is French.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Vous ete tres jolie Enty.

  12. @chihuahuense

    Hope you did well on your test! Mid-terms are in 2 weeks for me and I can't wait for it to be over, so I can relax and do Christmas-y stuff.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, and all the other gringos;) on here!

    p.s. I can now spell out your name on my own. Way to go me.

  13. Stuff like this makes you want to drink, Enty. People say America doesn't have a class or caste system, but I beg to differ.

  14. lol@Sue Ellen~

    Yeah, my best this semester, my study group rocked it out, one of my girlfriends made a perfect score. Now I can chill!

    I'm sure you'll do well on yours, too! Good luck! :)

  15. Now I feel better about eating while watching The Biggest Loser last night.

  16. There's a liquor store in Cambridge, MA on the O'Brien Highway called Sav-Mor Liquors, and their sign by the side of the road has said this for the past couple of weeks:


    Say no more... ;-)

  17. ^OMG I LOVE THAT!!

    @chihuahuense I hope that project w/ the American Idol hopefully went well too! :)

  18. @MCH, I haven't gotten the grade back for that one yet, but in that test yesterday she was the first one done and was finished in about 10 minutes (for an hour long test). I don't know if she got in tons more study time because she wasn't doing the project or if she was just like, "Fuck it, I'm going to Hollywood!" but my super flamboyant instructor gave me this "MM-HMM!" look and I about lost it. Thanks for caring! :)

  19. @chihuahuense Ha! I'm guessing it was probably the later. Too funny!
