Don't Ask Zachary Quinto About His Favorite Ice Cream
New York Magazine attempted to interview Star Trek star, Zachary Quinto, but things did not turn out exactly as planned. Quinto is currently starring in Angels In America off Broadway and not doing much else so you would think the guy would be happy for any attention from the press. Nope. New York magazine managed to ask the guy one question before he got ticked off. Here is the entire interview from beginning to end.
What's your post-show ritual?
I like to take showers after the show. And then I read. I'm reading Jonathan Franzen's Freedom, like the rest of the world. But all these questions are too personal, sorry.
Let's get less personal then. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Still too personal. Sorry.
Is there anything you feel okay talking about?
I'd rather just talk about Tony. I'm just beginning to learn from him, how to string together so many cohesive, multidimensional, layered, and unique thoughts. [Quinto ends interview.]
I understand celebrities not wanting to discuss their personal life, but what the heck is so personal about these? Seriously? This is how you manage to find yourself doing off off off Broadway and wondering how that whole Dr. Spock thing turned into a where are they now item.