Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Daughter Rapists Think Charlie Sheen Is The Greatest

Notice how as the clock ticked off Charlie Sheen's probation in Colorado, the paperwork from his divorce to Brooke Mueller was ready to be filed. Despite cutting a deal a long time ago, nothing was filed until that nasty little probation clock expired in Colorado.

Anyway, today is not just about Charlie wanting joint custody of the kids (Awful idea. Give them to Denise or Brooke's parents) or how Charlie's people are scared that a tape exists of the crazy night last week. No, today is also about Austrian Josef Fritzl. You remember him don't you? He is the guy who forced his daughter to live in a dungeon and repeatedly raped her and fathered kids with her. Yeah, that guy. Want to know what his favorite television show is? According to Bild via Gawker, "My favorite show is Two and a Half Men with Charlie Sheen. The little boy who plays along because he reminds me of my son. It relaxes me, I need to laugh. Because it destroys the soul, if you are always sad."

Yes, well, I don't understand how you can have a soul left to destroy. I am sure that instead of getting to watch television, you should experience what your daughter experienced 24 hours a day for the rest of your life. Then come talk to me about your soul.


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