Courtney Love Is Losing It
On Friday night, Courtney Love paid $17,000 in a charity auction for tea with Adrien Brody. Not a bad deal if she can afford it. Of course she has said she has no money so plunking down $17K for a tea was probably not the best idea. Ditto for the walk on role in a Paul haggis movie and a fitting with the Marchesa label. All told she probably spent almost $100K.
But, that is not the weird part. That is almost normal. While the dinner was still going on, Courtney went back to the dressing room of Axixs, which features former Fugee, Pras Michel. Shortly after Courtney went to the dressing room, the group's members went back to change and found Love rifling through all their purses. Love says she was looking for makeup and proceeded to remove all the makeup from the purses of the women and then just walked away. The group then threw away all the makeup for hygienic purposes. This is beyond crazy even by Courtney standards. Anyone else would have been thrown in jail.