Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chuck Lorre Has Had Enough Charlie Sheen

It seems that even Chuck Lorre, the creator of Two And A Half Men, has also had it with Charlie Sheen. Lorre is famous for putting up vanity cards at the end of his show. They are usually hilarious and many is the time I moved the screen forward second by second just to see what he had to say.

Well, in the most recent episode of Two And A Half Men, this is what his vanity card said.


To Do List

Re-calibrate the line behind fiction and reality

Meditate using new mantra, "high ratings do not equate to high self-esteem"

Go to Al-Anon meeting

Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying "no comment"

Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying "as far as I know everything's terrific"

Write a country song entitled, "Hooker in the Closet." (Chorus: "There's a hooker in the closet, 'neath the monogrammed robes, don't know how she got there and I can't find my clothes. Officer Krupke, how are you tonight? I've misplaced my watch but I'm feeling alright.") Donate royalties to womens' shelter

Quit the business and teach creative writing at Cal State Bakersfield. Fresno?

Bite the hand that feeds you because you've had more than enough to eat

Hire a publicist to put a positive spin on this vanity card

Very interesting as he says to bite the hand that feeds you. Looks like he is getting sick and tried of Charlie Sheen too. Too bad they can't just fire him. (Thanks JM)


  1. Isn't there a moral's clause in most contracts...? Why can't they fire the lowlife ?

  2. Oooooh that was a real good sneaky dig, LOVE IT!

  3. I now love Chuck Lorre.

  4. Lol! Chuck Lorre is awesome and I read the vanity cards a lot, too. The funniest one I read recently was a whole diatribe about Ned Beatty - how Chuck Lorre sees him EVERYWHERE and how he's never really gotten out from under the shadow of Deliverance.

  5. Quote of the day! Bite the hand that feeds...

  6. I'm loving the country song....maybe a hit for Randy Travis?

  7. Lorre looks like a perv.

  8. hahahaha.. I like his vanity cards, too bad he can't fire him that would be the best news of the day.

  9. Charlie, Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're and asshole.

  10. What if he fired him through the vanity cards? "Charlie Sheen you are FIRED!!!!!!! Love, Chuck"

  11. So awesome/hilarious.
    @MISCH: Yes, perhaps they could get rid of Charlie Sheen. And then the show would be over. The show sucks so bad, I don't understand why anyone watches it. Who are these people?

    Between current paychecks and syndication royalties, Chuck Lorre could certainly afford to donate a lot of money to women's shelters. I hope he does.

  12. With his life being as out of control as it is reported, I can't imagine he's a peach to work with anymore. I'm sure everyone around him has had just about enough of his behavior.

    The show had a great run, but enough is enough.

  13. I'm with Sue Ellen: What's a vanity card? I've watched the show (admitted not as often since Jake's balls dropped) and never noticed anything like that.

  14. At the end of each episode there is a different printed message. You can actually find them on the internets if you're interested. I have to pause my DVR to read them. They just flash them up there for a few seconds so unless you can hit pause then you won't have time to read it. Chuck Lorre had a vanity card on "The Big Bang Theory" that I thought was about Charlie Sheen too, about him being cheered by the fans after the show. Something about, in the entertainment business if only 30& of the people like you, you're a big hit.

  15. oh man, i LOVE that! how he can keep that horrendous lowlife on the show and sleep at night is beyond me. Charlie Sheen is just bad!

  16. I think the saddest/funniest thing about Charlie Sheen is that he knows he's an asshole, and he doesn't care, and he know we know he's an asshole and he doesn't care.

  17. I love those cards too. I have only taken the time to pause the DVR once or twice to read them, but they are always hilarious.

    As for Charlie, I find it very interesting that his manager also happens to be the Exec Producer of the show. hmmm

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  21. Oh I think I have a new love of my life - Chuck Lorre! That is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. Way to go Chuck! Now fire the asshole and be done with it. = )

  22. you said a mouthful there, looserdude!

  23. My new hero.

    Charlie's an idiot. In 2 years he'll have gone through all his money, and you'll find him living in the laundry room of his dad's house, passed out on the couch.

  24. I love his Vanity Cards. Here is a link to the site if you have missed them..(for all his shows)

  25. Hysterical!!! Nice to see someone not afraid of the Db, Charlie Sheen.

  26. Sounds like Chuck Lorre has an upcoming cover article dedicated to him in The Hollywood Reporter.
    Maybe those PR approved super forced postive comments about Charlie finally sent him over the edge.

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