Monday, November 22, 2010

Capri Anderson Says Charlie Sheen Choked Her - She Is Worried About Her Purse

Did you watch Capri Anderson this morning on Good Morning America? Wow, she loves herself a lot. The only thing she loves more are expensive things and publicity. In her interview, Capri says that Charlie choked her and she is filing a criminal complaint today. Translation - Your last offer was not good enough so you better jack it up unless you want to maybe be arrested.

I can think of no other reason to wait this long. The incident happened last month and she was interviewed multiple times by police. Why else would you wait this long? In the interview she says she was only hired for $3500 for the night. Everyone else has always said $15,000. Maybe she does want the IRS to look too closely into her finances and thinks the $3500 a night will make it easier.

She also said that after the incident, Charlie texted her and offered her $20K to keep quiet. So, apparently you have been choked, threatened and had the scariest night of your life. The guy who is responsible for it all is texting you and offering you $20K to keep quiet. What do you say to him first? She texted him back that he had damaged her very expensive purse. So, as much as I would LOVE for Charlie Sheen to go to jail for choking her, it is stuff like that text that will make sure this case never goes to trial.

The video is in multiple parts. One part is below and the rest you can watch here.


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