Monday, November 22, 2010

Capri Anderson Says Charlie Sheen Choked Her - She Is Worried About Her Purse

Did you watch Capri Anderson this morning on Good Morning America? Wow, she loves herself a lot. The only thing she loves more are expensive things and publicity. In her interview, Capri says that Charlie choked her and she is filing a criminal complaint today. Translation - Your last offer was not good enough so you better jack it up unless you want to maybe be arrested.

I can think of no other reason to wait this long. The incident happened last month and she was interviewed multiple times by police. Why else would you wait this long? In the interview she says she was only hired for $3500 for the night. Everyone else has always said $15,000. Maybe she does want the IRS to look too closely into her finances and thinks the $3500 a night will make it easier.

She also said that after the incident, Charlie texted her and offered her $20K to keep quiet. So, apparently you have been choked, threatened and had the scariest night of your life. The guy who is responsible for it all is texting you and offering you $20K to keep quiet. What do you say to him first? She texted him back that he had damaged her very expensive purse. So, as much as I would LOVE for Charlie Sheen to go to jail for choking her, it is stuff like that text that will make sure this case never goes to trial.

The video is in multiple parts. One part is below and the rest you can watch here.


  1. >The guy who is responsible for it all is texting you and offering you $20K to keep quiet. What do you say to him first? She texted him back that he had damaged her very expensive purse.

    Over at Jezebel some fashion model told a long story about photographer Terry Richardson freaking her out and involving her in a grotesque sex episode that didn't break the law but she felt took advantage of her. He ended the sexcapade by promising her an autographed photo from their earlier photo shot.

    She ended the story at Jezebel by saying that he never gave her the autographed photo and she still wants it.

    It's the modern world. Women get abused but they still want the $$$.

    Is that wrong? Why do people think less of the women? Is the theory that taking hush money makes a woman a retro-active whore who went back in time and asked to be abused?

  2. Let's hope she at least gets a reality TV show out of it. (sarcasm)

    But failing Charlie doing jail time, he should at least have to cough up some major bucks, not because she deserves it but because he does (in a bad way).

  3. But Charlie says she is lying...

  4. I hope one day he hits a chick who doesn't play and doesn't care about money or publicity. The only problem with that is only certain women fall for this man, or are prostitutes, and seem to only care about those two things, so...he's going to always get away with it.

    The bastard. His dad should beat his ass, or failing that, his brother.

  5. I believe there has been something wrong with Charlie, since he was a little boy. And the Sheen family turned a blind eye instead of getting help. Or maybe he was not born with a conscious?

    Some believe that sociopaths are not born with a conscious???

  6. I think their inability to feel emotion results in their lack of conscience.

  7. This whore, and I use that word to describe her occupation not just as a random insult, makes it that much harder for women who are legitimately battered/terrorized/threatened by man to recieve justice. I have no doubt that this whore had a really bad experience with her client. What did she think was going to happen when she did coke with an extremely drunk Charlie Sheen????
    Hell, his horrific reputation could actually be used in court as his defense. "Well, your honor, the plantiff knew that she was entering the room of a man who had held a knife to the throat of his wife and the mother of his twin infant sons on Christmas, and yet she still entered into the business arrangement and hotel room with him or her own free will." Case closed. I wouldn't ride on an elevator with Charlie Sheen, much less go into a hotel room with him!

  8. ^^^But I'm betting that people who do not feel emotion still can intellectually ascertain that there are some things you don't do to others???

  9. Keep that free publicity for
    'Two & a Half Men' coming!

  10. That's a good question. I'm sure intellectually they know, but it doesn't translate emotionally. I consider sociopaths the walking numb. Jails and prisons are probably full of them.

  11. There was a long post by Himmmm back in February (someone working in "the business" who knew LOTS of stories about old and new Hollywood) who said about him, "...Charlie Sheen is [Denise Richards'] equal in all regards to hedonism, danger, debauchery and lack of human compassion." So the sociopathic element is definitely a factor here, if not THE factor here.

  12. I've said it before, I'll repeat it now.
    Not a Sheen fan, however this honest to all the Gods screams SETUP to me.
    You have an admitted prostitute who takes on a drunk Charlie Sheen, does coke with him and then pushes enough buttons that he freaks out.
    And then keeps the texts where he offers her $$ to make it go away?
    Seriously...if this wasn't a carefully orchestrated setup, then I'm the Queen of Mars.

  13. How upsetting for her. I mean, in her line of work, you'd think she'd be treated with more respect!

  14. I thought in order to get money in a civil situation you have to have 'clean hands'... I mean you can't sue your drug dealer for robbing you at gun point... Can you? My only law experience is with People's Court. So I don't really get it.

  15. I smell an Oksana & Capri Reality Show!

  16. What I really hope is someday he tries to strike a woman who knows self defense and makes him a greasy carpet stain.

  17. RJ, how do you know she was aware of all that? maybe she sleeps all day and doesn't read blogs like i do and didn't realize the threat.

    remember the woman who went to mike tyson's room and she says he raped her? he went to prison for that. now who goes to mike tyson's room alone late at night?

    just because the victim does something stupid, that doesn't absolve the man of responsibility.

  18. @nancer I totally agree that Sheen needs to be in jail and should have been a long time ago, but you KNOW hookers and porn stars know exactly who he is and what he is capable of doing to any woman. Sometimes you have to be the first line of defense in your own safety.

  19. I watched the last 20 minutes of the interview. A couple things I noticed...

    The interviewer was kind of easy on the Charlie portion of the questions he was asking. Did anyone else think that or do I need to watch the entire interview? (Please, no).

    No disrespect to any CDAN "Ladies of the Night", but I had to laugh when she said her family had experienced emotional trauma over the incident. Give. Me. A. Break.
    Lay down with dogs, girl!



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