Wednesday, November 17, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This B List singer who has been in the press lately, had her cat declawed recently and refused to pay the extra money for the pain medication. Her friends were mortified when she told them, to which she replied, “It’s just a cat.”


  1. OMG...what a shit !

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm not a fan of cats, but that's awful all around. Poor thing. :(

  4. I can't believe the vet released the cat to this horrible person. I hope the next time she has plastic surgery they don't give her any pain medicine. What a complete BITCH! This just makes my blood boil.

  5. This should be outed.

  6. This person should definitely be outed, then have a few fingernails pulled out. "So what? They're just nails!"

  7. Wow- someone should pull out this shrew's fingernails without pain medication and see how she feels. Jerk.

  8. I just had to jump in here. When cats are declawed, they don't just remove the nails. They actually amputate the last joint of the cat's toes. So perhaps she'd like to have the ends of her fingers amputated without pain meds.

  9. This person should never be allowed to own any pets of any kind!

  10. @WabiSabiChic: Wow, even better.

  11. I vote immediate reveal on this one. What a monster. She deserves to be barred from ever having another pet.

  12. I'm also a little concerned though about a vet that would agree to that. Yes the owner's horrible and needs a cranial amputation, but the vet should know better than to do that. Why would that even be an option? You either get the cat declawed properly or don't have it done at all.

  13. That is ABSOLUTELY horrible! WTF is wrong with people!!
    I don't agree with the practice of declawing cats... umm, maybe just don't get one if you don't want an animal with claws in your house... but if you're going to go ahead and amputate part of your pet's body, don't be even more f*ucking inhumane about it.


  14. as a bonofide, true-blue cat person, this breaks my heart. boo hiss on this asshole...i hope karma does not delay.

  15. Katy Perry and her cat, Kitty Purry.

  16. Anonymous10:31 AM

    OMG! What a horrible person! Repulsive!

    And why is this even legal (with painmedication) anyway? Over here in Germany/Europe that would classify as cruelty. You don't want your cat clawing on your furniture/rug/wallpaper? Get a scratching post or even better don't get a cat in the first place! FFS! That's like amputating someone's fingers because they tend to knock over glasses. Or pulling out your dogs teeth, because it gnawed on something. Sheesh!

    *goes to cuddle cat*

  17. Her and the vet both need to be brought up on charges of cruelty to animals. I want a reveal on this!

  18. I also have questions about the vet--what the hell kind of vet would allow this to take place? If I had a bastard of a client ask me to do that for their pet and refused pain meds, I'd spring for them myself out of my own pocket (for the animal's sake) and just not charge the client. It would be worth the $ to me to know the animal wasn't suffering :( (Well, at least not suffering from the de-clawing...wi/an owner like that, God only knows what that poor kitty goes through behind closed doors!)

  19. "I also have questions about the vet--what the hell kind of vet would allow this to take place? If I had a bastard of a client ask me to do that for their pet and refused pain meds, I'd spring for them myself out of my own pocket (for the animal's sake) and just not charge the client. It would be worth the $ to me to know the animal wasn't suffering :("

    Wenx, I had that same exact thought. Veterinarians are NOT well-paid -- particularly when you consider the rigorous schooling they endure -- but EVERY vet makes enough to toss a few pills an animal's way. Come the fuck on.

    Okay. So WHY are people tossing out Katy Perry's name, anyway? She's an idiot, sure, but she's professed to love her cat enough to name the animal after herself. I've also never seen her wear fur, which speaks volumes to me about her as a compassionate person. She can't sing worth a flying shit, and I acknowledge this, but she doesn't strike me as a heartless bitch.

    Speaking of heartless bitches: if any of YOU have had your cats declawed, that's EXACTLY what you are. There's a great big room in Hell for people who care more about their furnishings than the happiness and quality of life of their pets.

    Reveal, please. I want to avoid this cunt if at all possible.

  20. Oh my god. I don't know who this is but I loathe her. I don't agree with declawing in the first place.

  21. What a horrible horrible person! I say reveal this heartless woman.

  22. Yes, if you don't want your cat clawing on your furniture then just don't get a cat. Cats are societies throw away pets indeed. The horrors inflicted on these innocent creatures are beyond belief. It's time for attitudes to change on this.

  23. If I were the vet assistant and I heard that, I swear I would have had the anesthesia deducted from my paycheck and paid for it myself. OUT THE BITCH!

  24. Any cat lovers in Los Angeles, I have a sweet, chubby, lovable cat that needs a home. I'm moving and she's unable to come along so anyone willing to give her a good home, please let me know.

  25. I'm allergic to cats but this person and I use the term loosely is a monster.

  26. Guess I'm going to Hell because I'm a horrible, heartless bitch whose cat is declawed. Interesting though -- I wouldn't have adopted her if I couldn't get her declawed so she would have been euthanized by the shelter had I not rescued her. But I'm heartless and horrible so just ignore the saving her life part.

    Isn't it fun when we all generalize? BAER.

  27. Fuck this cunt of the highest order. Better yet, fuck her in the ass with a sharp stick...oh, and also withOUT pain meds. See how she likes it. Filthy whore.

  28. "Interesting though -- I wouldn't have adopted her if I couldn't get her declawed so she would have been euthanized by the shelter had I not rescued her."

    Um. Okay, chopchop. Because you TOTALLY KNEW that the shelter was prepared to put the cat down? And NO ONE else could have adopted the cat? Please. You're no benevolent saint, here.

    Many shelters/adoption agencies won't even let people adopt out cats if they know the potential adopter is planning on having the animal declawed. And some states have even outlawed it -- seeing as how it's atrociously, inexcusably cruel and everything. I worked at a vet clinic a few years ago that refused to do the procedure.

    Personally, I think I'd rather get a fatal injection and suffer for a few minutes than have my FINGERS CHOPPED OFF AT THE KNUCKLES with no meds just to fulfill the shallow whims of some bitch, but perhaps that's just me.

  29. P.S. Find a place to live that allows cats, Bubbles. Seriously. You're going to just ask a bunch of strangers on the internet if they'll take your cat for you? Why didn't you look harder for a pet-friendly place?

    I'm so tired of people adopting cats and dogs and later abandoning them because they're too lazy to find a place to live that also allows animals. This kind of thing happens ALL THE TIME where I live. I could NEVER just relinquish my cats because they're not ~convenient~ or something.

  30. Wow, I refused to even get my cat declawed once I found out how it was done. Not cool.

  31. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I hate the word, but I do believe that the "C" word is fitting here.

    Enty, please reveal so that I may be sure to boycott this person and spread the word about what a monster she is. Thank you.

  32. This is a BuzzFoto blind, not an Enty one, so he can't reveal it.

  33. *clapping for amoteafloat*

  34. Never said I was amote. I am however saying you have no idea how close to death my kitty was when I adopted her just as you have no idea about any part of my life. And I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you.

  35. good lord! i'm not taking sides here, but someone needs to lay off the coffee...they do make decaff these days...

  36. This def. sounds like Carrie Underwood. Please don't tell me she's not B list, she's A list cuz I think I'll scream. She seems like a total B****.

  37. " have no idea about any part of my life. And I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you."

    I'm sure your life is just as interesting as I imagine it, chopchop. I'm sure your upholstery is doing just great, and I hope your cat is doing even better.

    Also, few vets would opt to perform a cosmetic procedure on a cat that's "close to death." Just sayin.'

  38. Danielle -- Carrie is actually a huge animal lover. She's been outspoken when it comes to her longtime vegetarianism and how much she loves her pets.

    Plus, it pains me to say it, but she's solidly A-list. She's won a kajillion Grammies and is internationally famous.

  39. Go hack off your phalanges, chopchop.

  40. Damn y'all!

    Back when I volunteered with a rescue group, I did a lot of research on declawing & saw why my group was not an advocate of it. You actually had to sign in the adoption agreement that it would not happen. I had to with my rescue kitty too! To leave this cat with no pain medication is horrible & I'm surprised the vet didn't insist on it. How much extra could it have possibly cost???? I'd like to bitch slap this girl.

    chopchop - I don't think you're a terrible person. :) It's not like YOU did the declawing. We had cats come into our group that were declawed & went to homes where that is what the people wanted. If it's between a cat taking up space where another one can be rescued, who really cares?? Especially if it was about to be euthanized.

    This is one thing i learned about volunteering for 3 years. People love animals. Discussions can get very heated on this topic.

    BTW, LOL @ Kitty Purry

  41. I adhor that she didn't pay for pain meds for the cat, but the cat wasn't held down and declawed...that would be impossible. The cat is given a paralyzing drug and sometimes something that knocks them out for a while, but the pain meds is for after the surgery. Actually pain meds for cats and dogs after any surgery like neutering, etc. is somewhat new. About ten years ago, it wasn't done. I used to ask my vet for pain meds many years ago, but they thought (wrongly) that they didn't experience pain like we do...which they don't but they do experience pain.

  42. Cats shouldn't be declawed in the first place. It's cruel, unneccessary and if that cat gets outside (I'm assuming it's an indoor cat because you just cannot declaw an outdoor cat... you're sentencing it to death) it will have no way to defend itself, or to properly climb to get away if attacked by another animal. To do it without giving the animal any pain meds is horrendous. Why do people have pets if they don't want to look after them?!

  43. Whoever this is, I hate her. And I hope to hell the vet did not forgo giving the cat pain medication because this harpy didn't want to pay for it. If he/she did, they need their license yanked. I also hope the vet reported this nasty ****.

    Out this POS, please! Someone like this needs to have the fame rug pulled out from under her and fall on her ass.

  44. Katy Perry....Katy Perry....Katy Perry....Katy Perry...Katy Perry.....PLEASE LET THIS BE KATY PERRY.....

    And I own a Himalayan/Siamese mix. I let him stay at my mother's house for a little bit while I took care of some personal matters and she had him declawed while he was staying with her. Her rationale? She was buying a new $2000 micro suede couch and didn't want him to scratch it. I sat with him while he recovered. He's fine now...aside from the extra floppy front paws. As for her, I made sure she suffered.


    That being said, some of you need to chill the holy fuck out.

  45. Enty, I know you do some reveals at the end of the year, but (for obvious reasons) they are mostly the kindness ones.

    But you have to reveal this one. Come on! What an evil cow.

  46. I just lost my two babies after 16 years. One went into Diabetic shock and I couldn't see him in pain. I made a difficult decision. The other I think was so heartbroken that his illness escalated. He had pancreatic cancer - inoperable. I watched my beautiful kitty cat succomb to this insidious cancer for two days and also made the difficult decision to say goodbye. I could not bear to see either one suffer. They were truly a gift and my responsibility. They lived in my world and I trained them as babies where they could and could not go. Never had any issues. They were amazing and I didn't know it would be this hard to be unselfish. Anyone who does not see this and can consciously mutilate an animal for their own convenience can rot in hell for all care.

  47. From above - "for all I care"...should have edited...sorry about that...

  48. This is just despicable.

  49. What a cruel B****!!
