The median annual salary for a high school teacher this year is about $43,000. The cost to have Bristol Palin come to your event for an hour? $35,000. As you know, while I will frequently complain about the disparity between salaries of people I consider important and the ridiculous fees celebrities charge to appear somewhere, I never begrudge the celebrity for getting what they can while they can. My issue when it comes to Bristol Palin is why would you pay her $35K to show up at your event? If you are a club owner and bring someone from Jersey Shore, at a much lower cost, by the way, you know that you will get someone who will drink and party with your patrons and that your bar patrons are probably the ones who watch the show. It is a win win. Bristol cannot even legally drink so are you just bringing her in so people can stare at her? If you want her as a speaker, what is she going to speak about? Being a teen mom? Has she even been home to see her son in like three months? How much experience as a teen mom does she actually have? I would much rather listen to one of those kids on 16 & Pregnant who have come to the realization that being a teen mom is hard especially if you don't have a staff to help you.
Right now, Bristol supposedly has offers from a company to be their spokesperson which would be worth something in the million dollar a year range. Huh? Seriously? She is also in line to do a reality show. About what? She does not do anything.
People are crazy...
ReplyDeleteI don't think she's any worse than all the other no talents who get appearance fees and reality shows based on who their parents are.
ReplyDeletei'll ask it again: why are the richest 'entertainers' always the most annoying people on the planet? do we, as a society, have an uncontrollable penchant for masochism?
ReplyDeleteffffing palins, ffffing lohans, ffffing hiltons, ffffing kardashians.
The Dumbing Down of America
ReplyDeleteI really dislike this family, and I dislike reality stars who profit from being reality freaks.
Is this write about unpleasant twats day?
ReplyDeleteIs that picture photo-shopped? That's her face but not her body, right?
ReplyDeletePolitics aside, I'm afraid this little girl doesn't have the personality or freak-factor required. She'd better take the $35,000 while she can because I don't see it lasting unless she marries Levi or hooks up with a Democrat.
ReplyDeleteRewarding the lowest common denominator. Trading culture for soullessness. It's called de-evolution. Growing up, I had no idea it would come to this.
ReplyDeleteThe tea baggers are just head over heels in love with the Palins.
ReplyDeleteCompanies know and will exploit her as a spokesperson until the love turns cold.
If somebody hands these people free cash for doing nothing who wouldn't turn it down.
At least teachers have the self respect to know they are educated and trying to do some good in the world.
She doesn't do anything, but seriously, most people on reality tv don't do anything either when you really think about it.
ReplyDeleteThis picture is photoshopped, right?
ReplyDeleteThat's Bristol's face Photoshopped onto Jennifer Grey's body. Bristol is the only person in the history of Dancing With The Stars to GAIN weight during the run of the show. She claims that that's because other people were 'too stressed to eat' while she wasn't, implying that other, better dancers chose to starve themselves, while she - a lazy, entitled and dumb little brat - did not. Reality and reason indicate that she pigged out and didn't practice at nearly the same intensity of her competitors, but she'll never understand that.
ReplyDeleteAdd Bristol to the long list of people whose 15 minutes are up. But in a way I feel sorry for her. Having a demanding and domineering mother like Sarah Palin must be a special kind of hell.
ReplyDeletePS, Subo is exempt from the twat category.
ReplyDeleteLOL Sunnyside.
ReplyDeleteI blame Paris Hilton for all this fame for doing nothing crap.
It must be killing her that she has to take a backseat to all these idiots.
I cannot stand this family and I cannot stand our country for making this family's fame and fortune possible. ARGHHHHHH!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe only remotely interesting thing about this family was the facebook situation with Willow. That told me a lot about her family and what their values are.
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah Palin ever becomes President... God help us all.
ITA kathrynnova
ReplyDelete@timebob - that gave me a sort of cold comfort, thinking about how furious Paris must be. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteanytime RQ :0)
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah Palin becomes President I will be on the 2012 survial ship. Becuase the world really will end with her and her support of "North Korea". What.A.Dummy.
Timebob, your first post is dead-on.
ReplyDeleteSue Ellen and others, why can't people figure out Sarah P's main game is MONEY. Chick made 15 mil last year. Will Vice Prez make that much in office? Did her governorship in Alaska make her that much?
I stand by what I say, Palin resigned as governor because she saw the opportunity of the amount of money she could make shrilling as she is doing now.
Two things: She'll put in a half-hearted attempt to go into politics again (Prez or VP) OR she'll come out and say that spending time with her family is more important and won't run.
Paris Hilton is a maven of culture and wit compared to this overpaid hillbillies. I'm getting so sick of our 'American Idol' culture. Can't anyone create something worthwhile anymore? 'Controversy and conflict' are not worthwhile additions to our culture.
ReplyDeletePeople believe what they want to believe and put blinders on to other proofs and opinions because admitting that they were/are wrong is a terribly hard thing to do. It might even rock someone's foundation and make them have to live in a world they'd rather not live in.
/armchair psychology analysis.
And another thing, she is a single parent who will encounter many predicaments similar to other single parents. But let's get real, she is not a typical single mom. Bristol claimed to work prior to the show, and that's great.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if she is short on money for gas, the utilities, medicine for her kid, etc. It's not like she has to beg, even if she never did Dancing with the Stars. Or worse go without those necessities!
A person with limited finances can and do have pride in taking care of their kids, but it gets rough at times.
she's just doing her share for the family business, which is making as much money as humanly possible. it's a wonderful thing when you can make more than the average WORKING american can in a year just for standing around and smiling. shows we really value the right things in this country, doesn't it?
ReplyDeletemaybe bristol can run as VP with her mother. their combined IQ might even add up to 3 digits.
I agree with that. I totally believe in the will of the individual. You can be poor and still provide good stuff to your children, you just have to go that extra bit. Not that the Palin's will have to worry about money in the foreseeable future.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is not very smart in the book-sense, but she's shrewd as hell about live and survival. Truth.
That should be about life not live. And that was directed at rc&n.
ReplyDeleteNo editing over here. Sorry.
{Sarah Palin is not very smart in the book-sense, but she's shrewd as hell about life and survival. Truth.}
ReplyDeleteI agree! I guess the hunter's lifestyle is good in those regards.
ReplyDelete@ Rocket Queen, I had the same initial thought because there is no way that Bristol is that thin. So I blew up the photo and yes, its Shopped.
ReplyDeleteSo, she'll make what, like two speaking engagements and be set for the whole year? I'm a chubby redneck who has a parent in politics (my dad is on the village board) and had a kid out of wedlock. Where do I sign up for this gig?
ReplyDeleteI think I'm gonna take a page from one of Randy and Evi Quaid's crumpled legal pads and flee to Canada. As an economic and cultural refugee.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute! I thought she was a "teen activist!" Does that mean all those high schools students are supposed to ante up $35k to hear her talk about the beauty of abstinence? It surely couldn't be that nightclubs, corporate parties, etc. will pay her to talk about abstinence, could it? NOT! (and stop calling me, "Shirley.")
ReplyDeleteOh please please please do the reality show! Then all those tea baggers can watch two family members prove themselves to be ignorant idiots.
ReplyDeleteBetter her than another Kardashian.
ReplyDeleteThis must be one cash strapped family. They'll take anything!
What @Cheryl said.
ReplyDeleteThe fees are ridiculous but be mad at the people paying those fees, not Bristol. And no, I am not a fan.
can someone make that picture a giff please.