Bristol Palin Gets $35K Per Appearance
The median annual salary for a high school teacher this year is about $43,000. The cost to have Bristol Palin come to your event for an hour? $35,000. As you know, while I will frequently complain about the disparity between salaries of people I consider important and the ridiculous fees celebrities charge to appear somewhere, I never begrudge the celebrity for getting what they can while they can. My issue when it comes to Bristol Palin is why would you pay her $35K to show up at your event? If you are a club owner and bring someone from Jersey Shore, at a much lower cost, by the way, you know that you will get someone who will drink and party with your patrons and that your bar patrons are probably the ones who watch the show. It is a win win. Bristol cannot even legally drink so are you just bringing her in so people can stare at her? If you want her as a speaker, what is she going to speak about? Being a teen mom? Has she even been home to see her son in like three months? How much experience as a teen mom does she actually have? I would much rather listen to one of those kids on 16 & Pregnant who have come to the realization that being a teen mom is hard especially if you don't have a staff to help you.
Right now, Bristol supposedly has offers from a company to be their spokesperson which would be worth something in the million dollar a year range. Huh? Seriously? She is also in line to do a reality show. About what? She does not do anything.