Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Axl Rose Hates Slash - Sues Activision

Axl Rose would like all of you to forget that Guns N Roses absolutely sucks now. He would like you to also erase your memory and think of the Guns N Roses that was good as a product that only included Axl. He sang, played guitar and bass, and then would run around and also play drums. Versatile guy that Axl.

Of course we all know that is not true and that Slash and the rest of the band were the impetus behind the success and not Axl's overinflated self importance, ego or really bad hair.

Axl is suing Activision, the makers of the popular video games, Guitar Hero, because, well, they had the nerve to include Slash on the cover of the game after Axl thought they had promised they wouldn't. Axl says he only licensed Welcome To The Jungle and Sweet Child O' Mine after the company agreed to not include Slash.

Well, the company included Slash and Axl cried like the f**king baby he is and got his lawyers to file a lawsuit claiming $20M in damages. Face it Axl. You have been nothing since you decided that you were the band. Nothing. I have seen you live since the days of Guns N Roses and you suck. If you were a real man, you would confront your shortcomings and realize that if not for Slash and the other members of the band, you would be sitting in your parents' garage telling everyone how you were going to make it big one day.

Note to Axl. The game is called Guitar Hero, not Off Key Wish I Still Had Some Talent Lead Singer Hero.


  1. can't stand his voice.

  2. Ah, this whole thing is sad. Appetite For Destruction is in my Top 10 albums of all time. In their heydey, Guns n Roses was MAGIC, and I include every member. This bickering just makes me sigh heavily. Let it go, Axl. You were great once.

  3. Ahem - I just realized that given my commenter name, I probably didn't need to mention how much I loved that album. As you were.

  4. I saw Guns N Rose at the height of their fame. They played for over three hours and the next night Axl walked off stage after 15 minutes. It was a good show, but not an amazing show. Slash is talented, but watching the show you couldn't help thinking that this band wouldn't be around for long.

  5. RocketQueen - I frequently get that song in my head whenever I see one of your comments ;-)

    LOVE Appetite for Destruction - every single track of it!!!

  6. @ms_goddess - ha! Awesome :) I could also give "Lies" and "Use Your Illusion" I and II a pretty solid listen end to end, but the first was the best!

  7. *LOL* What Rocket Queen said. Appetite was and is one of my all time favourite albums.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How stupid can Axl be about his own residuals/royalty/whatever he gets from this game? I'm sure Guitar Hero looked at the market research and decided it could sell twice as many games (or whatever)with Slash on the cover too.

  10. Slash's book is amazing. If it weren't for him warming up with a tune he created, Sweet Child 'O Mine wouldn't have had that incredible intro.

    Suck it Axl, now I'm sorry I once thought you were cool.

  11. Axl has been a jerk since the moment they got famous. I do appreciate that he brought Blind Melon into the mainstream back then though.

  12. Its funny about the rest of the band went on to create Velvet Revolver which was a pretty good band

  13. wow Enty, tell us how you really feel! i was SO in love with Axl when i was in 6th grade, i had pretty bad taste as a youngster :) he is a pretty sad excuse for a former rocker now a days, to be sure!

  14. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Axl definitely has talent, he's a great writer. Slash has talent, but he's not a writer of songs, he just knows how to make memorable guitar. These two f'n NEED each other, but Axl's just too stupid to see it.

  15. I used to love him/but I had to kill him ...

  16. LOL, Enty! Glad the tequila has you so loosy goosy!

  17. Poo, I really loved them in the day.

  18. I had tickets to see them as a seniour in high school. My Da was driving a friend and I to the concert and we stopped at a gas station to buy cigarettes. While in the mart, a veritable herd of police whizzed by, sirens wailing, and when we drove by the Rosemont drop-off a few minutes later it was already cordoned off and there was a clusterf*ck brewing at the parking lot egress.

    Turns out a warrant had been issued and exercised for Axl and he was in the process of fleeing the country. I guess he made it to O'Hare and caught a flight out. I can't even recall the charges.

    Thanks Axl, you wet blanket, I was SO psyched for that show, too.

  19. Why is he just now suing them? Hasn't that game been out for years?
    I never heard the new album but I heard it sucked....

    AFD was amazing...

  20. What makes me laugh about Welcome to the Jungle is when Axl does his impression of Curly from the 3 Stooges.

  21. Everybody who likes to talk sh..About sucsesfull people like Axl Rose ,like that ignorant who wrote this article shoude read well before say some,i ve been reading from Good Sources about gnr breaking,all this stared in 94,after illussion tour,Slash is the only responsable about gnr breaking,he left the band to do solo proyects like slash snak live,he went on long tour w michael jacson and others,etc,while axl was waiting for him to finish it,in 96 they got to talk again and like in 94 slash was enfatuaded with some songs f gnr next cd,songs that nevet saw the light cause just werent good enough for axl,who has the talent to see what will be a hit and what wont,slash tought he was gnr leader but now after all this time seeing slash being willing for everything axl woud say no doubt Axl was the one who took gnr where is now,i love u slash but u fuked up



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