Monday, November 01, 2010

Ashton Kutcher May Have Violated NCAA Rules

When Ashton Kutcher met with two University Of Iowa basketball recruits prior to an Iowa football game last month it may have been an NCAA violation. Because Ashton gives money to Iowa, he is considered a representative of the program so cannot be meeting with recruits.

Apparently meeting Ashton is considered to be something that may influence the recruit to attend Iowa. Judging by Ashton's latest movies, I would think the opposite is likely to occur. If Ashton is all the University has, they are really in trouble.


Patty said...

Maybe it was a hazing ritual or something cuz I can't see meeting that douche being a benefit.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


They must be desperate to accept donations from that idiot and the idiot's wife/mother.

It's me said...

A donation is a donation. I doubt they care where they get it. It all spends the same.

I can't believe this is a big deal.

Enny said...

Ashton didn't even graduate. This school really is a tough sell.

Anonymous said...

Demi is looking very, very anxious in that photo! LOLs!

sunnyside1213 said...

The look on Demi's face is priceless.

timebob said...

I think Reggie losing the Heisman over hotel rooms and limo rides was kinda silly also. I think this would fall under honest mistake. And yeah, way to go Iowa U with your big A list star. Not.

lanasyogamama said...

Don't worry, she's only half your age and still has her SOUL.

B626 said...

funny i haven't seen this in the local papers, hmmm....

Meg said...

I don't much about sports and the recruitment process but what I do know is that this probably happens way more often that we ever hear about.

classalpha said...

... "IOWA B-ball chick" has bigger biceps than ASShton... probably has a bigger d!ck than he does too...

... BTW... I DARE you to find one, single KNEEGROW "Em" that pic... IOWA State campus must be whiter than *a Klan "family" reunion* "Em" Dixie...


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