Tuesday, November 23, 2010

April 29, 2011

I missed it by two days. I said William and Kate would get married in May, but they are actually getting married on Friday April 29, 2011. A Friday? Interesting. That day will be a public holiday and because Monday is already a holiday, the entire country will get a four day weekend. That is kind of nice. The couple is getting married in Westminster Abbey which comfortably seats 2,000. The Royal Family is paying for everything except security which will cost millions and millions of dollars. It should be quite the party. Since the family is paying for everything I guess there won't be anything left for Harry when he gets married. Not to worry though, he seems like the kind of guy who would be happy getting married at a drive through wedding chapel in Vegas. Maybe to Britney Spears, you know just for kicks.


  1. Charles alone is said to be worth about £1billion and earns about £14million a year, so there'll be enough for Harry.

  2. Also, both William and Harry have personal fortunes of about £7m each, left to them in Diana's will as well as the usual military pay.

  3. So who pays for the security?

  4. It's also the day before Walpurgis night--

    Walpurgis Night (in German folklore) the night of 30 April (May Day's eve), when witches meet on the Brocken mountain and hold revels with their gods..."

    I don't know what a father should think about his daughter marrying a British royal. Isn't this like the British version of a young girl getting a Disney contract?

  5. Wake me when it's over. I guess I'll have to stay on top of my Netflix.

  6. Personally, I'm kind of meh about the whole thing.

    Several astrologers are saying that this is not a good day for them to marry. Obviously, if Diana were alive she would have had her astrologer choose a more appropriate day!

  7. I mostly feel bad for the people who have a birthday on that day. Your birthday is no longer yours. Bunk.

  8. Mark, I read what you wrote again, and it's brilliant!

  9. I wish them the best, and I hope they have a happy life together. They seem low key, and to be good people.

  10. Woo hoo!! An extra day off work!!

  11. Why is Monday a holiday?

  12. @ Mark: Her family are said to be thrilled. No wonder: she could not make a better match in the world. And they own an internet party store, or something like that. Not that there's anything wrong with that but do they sound discriminating?

    When I first heard about the engagement Ithought, "Awww that's nice. She's pretty and from all intents and purposes is nice and he seems like a good enough guy." Now I'm already bored with all the fuss.

  13. LOL @ Mark

    I sheepishly admit that I will probably watch it.

  14. I have the same question as RocketQueen, so who's paying the security in the event?

  15. He will be a nice and kind King along with Catherine--giving people a 4 day holiday is cool.

  16. ^^^ the taxpayers. Everything else will be paid by the royal family. Security paid by the tax paying public since they are the reason security is needed, I guess.

  17. The British government is paying for security. The parents are paying for everything else.

  18. I'm happy for them. I always thought he was so cute (though Harry is looking very good now). That day is my birthday so that's kind of cool. It beats the other thing that happened on my birthday - the LA riots.

    And I don't think the British people should complain too much about footing the bill for security - can you imagine how much money will be made on this?

  19. people need to chill. If one of Obama's daughters got married while he was in office,you'd be on the hook for security too. every country takes a hit for this stuff one way or another.

  20. The first Monday in May in Britain is May Day, a banking holiday.

  21. @ new life - couldnt agree more, if we have to share our birthday with an event better a wedding then the riots....

  22. Thanks mikey and sunnyside - that makes sense.

  23. I was kind of hoping they would go the Prince Edward route and be low-key and untelevised.

  24. I'm glad for them. I'd rather hear news about a royal wedding versus Lindsay Lohan, Mel Gilbson, or Charlie Sheen crap.

    It's a Friday off for me so I'm sure I'll be glued to the tube. I think I'll wear a big hat and speak in a Madonna fake English accent the whole day.

  25. I have to admit, I'm kind of excited about this. Of course I was one of those who set my alarm so I could get up and watch Charles and Diana get married. Now I feel so ancient that I'm going to watch their son get married. I think it is great that they choose to get married the Friday before May Day so most people will get a four day weekend. Love it!! Bodes well for his monarchy.

  26. It's all good for the economy in the end. It will help tourism and renew intrest in the monarchy.

    If the tax payers didn't want a monarchy they would be dunzo. It's their heritage.

    California had to foot the bill for a lot of Michael Jackson's security at his funeral. Same thing really.

  27. "I don't know what a father should think about his daughter marrying a British royal. Isn't this like the British version of a young girl getting a Disney contract?"


    That's all.

  28. I will be watching.I read this morning that their favorite cocktail is called a "crack baby" (fresh passion fruit juice, vodka and champagne in a shot glass). I'll have a few during the ceremony.

  29. Sunnyside got it right - the bride's family is paying for everything except security. The royal family is covering security.

    Which I think is fair, since they're getting a whole prince out of the deal.

    I think it's sweet. They're nice kids, they've known each other forever. At the very least, it seems he was permitted to marry someone he loves or at least cares a great deal for. (Charles didn't have that option and poor Diana paid for it. The world has changed so much since then.)

    I think it's wonderful. Good for them and good luck.

  30. Mango, I heard that her parents are self-made millionaires from their party store.

  31. ^ I read the same. I swear I read her parents were stewards before the .com success. Air hostesses...



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