Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Reason To Love Canada

On this day before Thanksgiving, Canada has given us something all to be thankful for which is that we can watch Christmas Vacation this weekend and not have to worry about feeling bad that Randy Quaid is dead while we are laughing at his antics.

Today, Randy was on his way into a refugee hearing and said, "I feel good. If it wasn't for Canada's refugee laws my wife and I would be dead."

Apparently there is some magical poutine force field that keeps star whackers from entering Canada. While there, unlike in the United States, the Quaids can roam about freely throughout West Vancouver and look for houses in which to claim as their own.

His admissibility hearing was postponed until December 22nd, but investigators have basically filled a truck with all of the records of his ongoing criminal investigations. Maybe if he is deported to the United States he can bathe himself in some maple syrup, wrap himself in maple leaves and sing the theme from Hockey Night In Canada to keep himself safe while in the United States, eh.


  1. The Quaids are currently my favorite crazies.

  2. Loved the "eh" at the end.

    Let's see - maple syrup, poutine, maple leaves, HNIC - you forgot back bacon (peameal bacon) of all things!

    Not for nothing, but I have the theme to Hockey Night In Canada on my cell phone. Gotta love it.

  3. Hahaha! Magical poutine force! Hahaha. Good one.
    By the way you might be surprised to know that poutine is not consumed here as widely as you might think. Not even close.

  4. Enty,
    You are hilarious today. I like this tipsy, really relaxed, day before turkey day take on things.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

  5. This entire thing is ridiculous. If she's a citizen by birth, she can opt to stay here and sponsor him in as a spouse. I'm not sure why they're continuing on with this charade.

  6. don't do drugs kids

  7. Don't even get me started on the immigration rules in Canada. Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but sometimes I want to tell it to f-off with its bullshit.

    What kind of immigration policy can you have if you allow people to claim refugee status based on getting their toe in the country. Once they're in, they're hard to get out. Like a deep down pimple.

  8. Now I want some poutine. It's times like this I miss Canada.

  9. Unfortunately I don't think the theme to Hockey Night in Canada holds much force anymore since the CBC foolishly declined to renew their rights and CTV bought them. But I love the "poutine force field"!

  10. The rule at my house is no Christmas Vacation before Thanksgiving, so I'll be watching Friday. It's one of my favorite movies, thanks Randy!

    Big mistake marrying that nut,maybe someday he'll be free of her?

  11. i love them. they're crazy and harmless and endlessly entertaining to me.

  12. You said it Sue Ellen! Once they get their foot in the door, they become a drain on our over taxed healthcare and welfare systems. I don't have a problem with sheltering those who's life is endangered in their home country, but most often, that is not the case.

  13. @MommaBear

    Hopefully, one day, I will be a part of the government and will be able to do something about that. We have so many problems here, but no one wants to face them. People (politicians and citizenry alike) would rather bury their head in the sand and pretend that everything is dandy here. It's not. And we're not as great as we would have the world believe.

    Uh oh. I let the cat out of the bag. Gotta go, I can hear CSIS walking down the hall...

  14. LOL@putine force field - good one Enty !

  15. They're in West Vancouver? Crap, the crazies are near where I live. Better keep my eyes peeled for the star whackers in case they show up!

  16. The starwhackers believe cheese curds and gravy on fries is enough to kill people - they're not needed here. LOL!

  17. I will never understand why Laurie Bembenek was denied refugee status when the evidence against her was very, very suspect (I truly believe she was innocent), and yet these loonies can stay. Canada, Oh Canada...

  18. Damn, I think I just bit my tongue off.

  19. "magical poutine force field," dude, that's funny.

    When I visited Montreal, poutine was served in the mall food court and it was much better than the Hot Dog On A Stick crap we get here.

  20. RocketQueen, refugee status is faster and these two clearly do not have all their horses in the stable (or some other expression I am unsure of that means "crazy"). I immigrated as family class sponsored by my husband, and the process took FOREVER. I just wanted to get a job and I couldn't. Now, I would happily have given up my place in line for someone who was actually a refugee, but if I had still been in the middle of that application process and read about this shit, I would be livid.

  21. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Maybe they should get Jesse Ventura after the star whackers. He'd get to the bottom of that shit.

  22. @Maja - yeah, and I remembered that they requested refugee status before they realized she was a citizen, so the process was set in motion. This way costs taxpayers a hell of a lot more money, trust.
    And actually, you'd be surprised how long refugee hearings et al take. Usually years. I'm kind of shocked how fast this one is progressing. Actually, they're celebrities, so not that surprised. /kanyeshrug

  23. look for the rocket in randy's pocket while shopping with chevy on xmas vacation
    its a lulu



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