Thursday, November 18, 2010

Amber Portwood Charged With Two Felonies

Police have formally charged Amber Portwood with two felony counts and one misdemeanor count of domestic violence and battery. If convicted, the Teen Mom star faces up to three years in jail and fines of up to $10,000.

It turns out that Amber was beating up Gary Shirley more than what was even caught on camera. After watching portions of the show that went un-aired, police discovered that in total, Amber had attacked Gary at least three separate times.

On Aug. 14, 2009, she shoved, slapped and choked Shirley while Leah watched nearby. On June 14, 2010, she was taped slapping, punching and kicking Shirley. Finally, on July 18, she was again caught slapping and punching him as Leah watched.

And this is just when the cameras were there. Can you imagine what she was like when the cameras were not there? You would think someone would act better in front of cameras, so it must have been really bad.


  1. Can we have a ban on this person? I really don't care one iota about her, and she is barely Z list even by reality standards.

  2. in case you haven't noticed, Enty reports on a variety of topics,not just celebrity gossip. MTV reality star charged with 2 felonies is news.

    if he banned every thing every one hated we'd be looking at a blank page.

  3. I'm happy to hear she's getting charged.

  4. I think cameras make it worse, the emotions get much more charged up.

  5. Don't watch the show nor do I care about the people on it, but I am glad the police have filed charges against this asshole. What a fucking idiot. I hope she has to serve time in jail and never gets to see her child until she cleans up her act.

  6. What's so bad is that she not only thought her behavior was OK but she also thought it was OK to do in front of the kid. Just sad.

  7. I hope she gets the full sentence & help! You have to give Gary credit, he never once fought back. I wish he would have filed complaints against her on his own and removed Leah from the home a long time ago. I watched the end of the season show, and she has severe issues.

  8. Oh I can hear the defense now: "Defendant acted according to what she believed was expected by the filming company and production management for a drama-intense reality show."


  9. K i read that and i was like who the hell is this Shirley chick and why is letting herself get beat up?

  10. I don't understand how reality shows can get away with not reporting/preventing this stuff. And not just trashy reality shows - 'Renovation Realities' on DIY allows people to walk around with live wires on the floor. Do they not have any responsibility to intervene when they see dangerous situations?

  11. This cunt has a HUGE head and apparently some brain problems to go along with it. I feel sorry for the man. She is obviously a terrible mother, to boot. Lock her ass up and give her a f*cking chill pill, for chrissakes!

    I mean, look at how big he is and she whales on HIM...not a real stretch to think she can/will whale on the baby/kid in the coming years the same way...these unchecked behaviors don't usually get better on their own, do they?

  12. She reponded in the press saying the charges won't stick because they can't prove the baby was in the room - unbelievable. Footage anyone? It was probably worse I private. She must have thought she was above the law to wail in him like that in front of other people, let alone a camera.

  13. @timebob, I respectfully disagree in this case. I think this girl has some severe issues and whether a camera was present or not, she would be hitting him just as hard. I hope she never gets her daughter back, I fear for the safety and sanity of that baby.

  14. Anonymous11:55 AM

    What a horrible person!!!!

  15. The really disturbing part of this whole situation is that those two actually had sex with one another!

  16. i'm with skeeball. she has no control over herself whatsoever. i shudder to think what she's done to leah in private---after watching how she goes off, there's no way i don't think leah's been on the receiving end.
    gary's a slob but he's very tender and sweet with his daughter. i hope amber never gets her back.

  17. Finally. Trash bags belong in the Trash can.

    Throw in some anger management courses too.

  18. I hope they lock her up and lose the key. That kid would be better off if this nut job never gets out.

  19. I hope the producers will get in trouble for not reporting this. (Unless they did, I haven't checked.)
    I'm just hoping this is the start of the end of trash-reality television.

  20. I watch this show (though I don't know why because I just get angry) and I think that she is truly a terrible, terrible mother and person. I think she's on drugs (quick weight loss even though she doesn't do anything at all & the crazy moods) and should have her parental rights taken away.
