Friday, November 12, 2010

All The Goospter Hate Condensed Into One Article

If you have ever wondered why people are not exactly in love with Gwyneth Paltrow, but could never get an exact answer why, Mary Elizabeth Williams over at Salon lists many of the reasons and even provides links to some of the main reasons why everyone finds it so hard to like her. (Thanks Mango)


  1. Poor, poor Goopie...I read the article, I thought the writer was on the Goop's side...basically saying we're all just jealous....
    I guess I'm one of the jealous....cause I can't stand her, she alway make me feel that the rest of us are boring her to tears....when we are so lucky to have her in our lonely lives...

  2. The article just confirms why I don't care for her, she is a privileged child of Hollywood who never had to strive and fight her way to the top, she never had to wait on a table. Sorry but I prefer my celebrities to be of the hardworking, climb and claw their way to the top, type.

  3. I'm not a fan (only saw Shakespeare in Love, which was ok, and something she did with Jessica Lange I remember was awful) but I don't get all the hate. Most people would have it easy for themselves if they could; should she have things hard for herself just because? She seems a bit :) full of herself, but how many Hollywood stars aren't?

  4. Ditto MontonaMarriott. Wait on those table boys and girls. Earn your place.

  5. LOL@sunnyside1213

    Now don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone should ever be smug or arrogant but if you were dirt poor and clawed your way to the top, then yes, you can have a level of conceit, you've earned it (Streisand, Oprah)

    But if you were born with a Silver spoon in your mouth, WTH do you have to be smug about?!? Sheer luck that you were born into the family you were.

  6. When asked whether her newsletter wasn't a bit pretentious, Goopy replied: "Fuck the haters!"

    Tone-deaf Marie Antoinette - ha! That's perfect.

  7. I don't like pretentious people in regular life, she is just all that personified. I don't think anyone holds it against her that she is rich, priviliged, etc. It's just her smug way of reminding you that she is that makes her so ugh! I could only hate her more if she feigned a fake british accent (which I pray never happens).

  8. the article was a little kiss-assy...i agree w/ MISCH's view...i mean, come onnnn...we're not all jealous haters. i'd hate to be the queen of doucheachussetts. trust. not hating her for that title.

  9. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I don't hate her I just don't like her attitude. Also don't feel she is that great as an actress she is OK not enough to win an Oscar.

  10. Well, for what it's worth, her mother's really awesome.
    Daughter, not so much. And certainly nowhere near what she believes.

  11. Sorry but I really don't mind her at all. So she enjoys organic eating and talking about her expensive trips? At least she's not Lindsay Lohan.

  12. Thanks, Mango and Enty, for sharing this! I think the writer did a good job of presenting both sides, which is what good journalists do.

    Remember the Lee Ann Womack song "I'll Think of a Reason Later," which I love:

    It may be my family's redneck nature
    Rubbin' off, bringin' out unlady-like behavior
    It sure ain't Christian to judge a stranger
    But I don't like her
    She may be a stranger who spends all winter
    Bringin' the homeless blankets and dinner
    A regular Nobel Peace Prize winner
    But I really hate her
    I'll think of a reason later

  13. I'd like to make a Halloween mask out of her face.

  14. I didn't really think the author was that kiss-assy. It was nicely worded, dead on in description & quite funny.

  15. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Hi, long time lurker here.
    Can someone compile a list of reasons why Kate Bosworth is so hated?? Or a link to the compiled list? I'm super curious...

  16. Hi Ms. Grip - yay for delurking! I think part of it is her reputation for cocaine use (possibly as part of an eating disorder) and, more recently, the wide belief that she messed around with Goopy's husband. Goopy has cut her RIGHT off.
    If you visit Lainey, go to her tags for Bosworth - she can't STAND Bosworth and gives MANY reasons why :)

  17. Not a fan of hers, but Paltow isn't any more pretentious than half the people I know. I also doubt she was just "handed" her life because she is the daughter of a mid level Hollywood family. She did have to prove herself and she obviously does have some talent, though I do not think she deserved that Oscar for SIL.

  18. I don't think that article captured it at all. It is about how out of touch she is, how snotty, fake and nepotistic. Remember Uncle Stevie, or whatever she calls Spielberg?

  19. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Thank you RocketQueen
