Friday, November 05, 2010

12 Year Old Boy Pulls Knife On Mom For Not Letting Him Go Trick Or Treating

A 12 year old boy in Surprise, Arizona has been charged with suspicion of threatening his mother with a knife after he grabbed a knife from his room and threatened to kill her. Why? Well, the boy wanted to go out trick or treating in his costume which he described as Gay Justin Bieber. His mother thought it was disrespectful and grounded him for the night. That is when the boy went and got the knife. The mom disarmed the boy and called the cops.


  1. Surprise!!!!! idiot

  2. I don't get it. Which part is disrespectful? Being gay or being Justin Bieber?

  3. I'm actually pleased mom took a stand and held her ground. Don't ever pull a knife out on your momma!

  4. Sounds like someone needs a good smack in the face.

  5. As a person with a longstanding aversion to child abuse, I hope she slapped the shit out of him.

  6. What a crap child. Jesus.

  7. I hope she gets out a can of whoop ass because the kid obviously needs it.

    I don't condone child abuse either, but some times you need to put the fear of God in your child! This kid obviously doesn't fear anything!

    Throw him in jail for a night, and he'll come home crying for his mom - guaranteed!

  8. Um, yeah. That's an incredibly disrespectful costume, and I can't stand Justin Bieber.

  9. You wanna hear something really bad? This guy I know wanted to go as Russell Williams for Hallowe'en. =/ Probably not the smartest idea I've heard in my life. =/=/=/

  10. I hope this is a lesson to young kids, one Bieber is offensive enough

  11. LOL! My 7 year old went as Justin Bieber for Halloween. He did it as a joke and to be disrespectful to JB. He actually looked really cute.

    I hope that kid's mother has the money to send her kid to one of those special schools in the middle of nowhere where they teach them some respect!

  12. my friend went as laser tag justin..and he's gay so it was hilarious.

    this kid needs some serious learning.

  13. Good for that mama!!! She needs to get that kid in check before he really turns into a monster. Sounds like he has some anger issues. And a touch of the crazy maybe.

  14. Doesn't ANYONE have enough sense to discipline their kids anymore? I don't condone abuse, either, but I am all behind self-defense and you shouldn't need to call the cops on a 12 year old. At 12, they should fear you MORE than the cops.

  15. Good for her calling the cops. He's lucky she called the cops. Had I pulled a knife on my parents as a teen I'd have woken from my coma at about --- thirty.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. What would a straight Bieber look like?

  18. @ardleigh: Amen! Never in my wildest dreams would I have even thought of pulling something like this on one my mom.

  19. I'm guessing he went to some offensive extreme to express the "gay" part of his costume. Ignorant.

    How did a 13yo get to this point of disrespect, though?

    I'm relieved my 7yo fears me based on tone of voice alone.

  20. I'm no JB fan but I don't understand why everyone has to label this teenybopper gay. Maybe thats why the Mom found it disrespectful.
