Tuesday, November 16, 2010

$100K For That Ring??

Yesterday when I wrote about Jessica Simpson's engagement ring I just assumed her unemployed boyfriend paid for it because it did not look all that great. Let me clarify. It looked plenty great for one of us which I consider the boyfriend. Unemployed, probably would be homeless if not living with Jessica. But, for someone who has $100M, it looked, well, a little odd, and small.

It turns out that ruby in the center is 4 carats and the ring actually came from Neil Lane and cost $100K. There is no way Jessica's boyfriend has $100K. None. He does not have it. So, then what I said yesterday about Jessica making him ask her, turns into her going out one day, buying a ring, giving it to him and telling him to ask her. Hell, at this point she might have just told him they are getting married and they are going to do it the day before Nick and Vanessa announce they are getting married.

So, basically you have Jessica paying for everything, telling the guy to ask her and not signing a pre-nup. If I was this guy, I would tell Jessica we should hit Vegas this weekend and then on Monday morning, K-Fed can call Eric and say, "Welcome to the club." Next member - Eddie Cibrian.


  1. Jessica selected and paid for the ring, I hope she regains whatever sense she has....poor thing...

  2. That is some fugly ring. It looks like the play jewlery that I had when I was a kid: gaudy and tacky as shit.

  3. Hands up if you're surprised?

  4. ^Agreed, RocketQueen.

    A slight comment here. Jess just told him they were getting married and there are reports of no pre-nup. Is the printer even warmed up to print the pre nup yet? Just saying. (I do believe she is as bright as my dirty white sock)

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The body language on that picture does not look like a picture of love.

    Poor, poor Jessica being the bing-bat again.

  6. I am a bit confused as to why everyone says this guys is broke? He was a pro football player and went to Yale. He must have made at least a few million dollars playing football and has a good education. It would seem he would have some job prospects and some money stocked away. Sure, not 100 million...but how many people have that kind of dough anyway? He seems like a nice guy. I am happy for her.

  7. I was thinking the same thing as Sue Ellen

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Someone posted a while back that they know this dude. I wonder if they are reading, would they please chime in on whether or not dude has the dosh for this ring? Ah thank you.

  10. aww jess you are all kinds of dumb. You should've stuck with John mayer and his poop show - at least he makes money

  11. I seriously hope he paid for the ring for her sake. Shoe horning someone into to marrying you is a horrible way to start a marriage. I still can't get past her immediately telling everyone about her engagement and not waiting until a suitable amount of time passed after her ex-husband announced his. The whole thing reeks pathetic.

  12. The size of the ring is no indicator of love. True, I wouldn't want a chip, but I also would not want to walk around with a million dollars on my finger.

  13. How desperate is thee? Let me count the ways....

  14. Stupid is as stupid does!

    Not sure why they would need a pre-nup now. She shouldn't need till closer to the wedding.

    Maybe she's preggers? That would explain the rush.

  15. aw...give the gal a break...nobody knows what is really happening between 2 people...it's just your perception. if she's happy then be happy for her.

  16. To respond to Ice Angel's comment above - from what I heard on the radio this morning, he was a HORRIBLE football player - well known for his fumbles and released from the team. He also didn't finish college. He said he doesn't want to work the long hours his mom did and is doing nothing right now.

    Does that sound like a gold digger?

  17. Sue Ellen - right on the nose. It actually reminds me of a rings you got for free at the dentist office.

    I can't believe this guy turned down a UPenn MBA for her. Sure, she's got lots of money, but come on!!

  18. Okay, I'm going to be the odd woman out here but I don't care.

    First of all, can someone please tell me what the "suitable amount of time" would be before she announces her engagement since Nick just got engaged? WTF??? What's suitable in one person's mind, is not to another. Perhaps it was coincidence that she and Nick got engaged at the same time of year. Maybe not. WHO CARES?! There will never be a good time. People will always find something wrong with the time something is announced or read into it way more than they should.

    And here's a thought, maybe she loves the ring! At least she got to have some say in what she wanted, regardless of who paid for it. Who cares who pays for it? If they are going to get married, they will be combining finances to a point anyways. Besides, my understanding of the celebrity world is most of them never pay actual, full retail on jewelry. And I know I'd rather wear something I loved and would be looking at for the rest of my life than something that wasn't my style.

    I've been thinking about Jessica's engagement since it was announced the news and peoples comments about it and him. He just may be the perfect person for her. He let's her shine and have the spotlight, just like Nick does for Mariah. I believe Jessica needs that. Plus, he's had ample time to see what it's going to be like to be a member of the Simpson-clan. You have to cut the guy some slack to join that family and deal with Papa Joe, Ashley and Pete for extended family not to mention see on a regular basis for the rest of his life.

    And finally, I just hear everyone bashing Jessica for getting engaged and ruining Nick's thunder of his own announcement. All I can say to that is, "About time you decided to ask Vanessa to marry YOU!" How many years has it been??? I recall, Vanessa was gunning for an engagement to Nick since the beginning but he never bit. Now he finally has. What took him so long? Of course, they have to actually get married now and they might make it to the alter, they might not. How many Hollywood engagements never get that far?

    I'm not a card carrying member of the Jessica Simpson fan club but I think she's genuinely happy. And that's all we should want for people. To marry whom they choose and to be happy.

    Besides, some of you are probably too young to remember the scandal of Jerry and Jessica Steinfeld. She was newly married and she left her husband and got divorced and married to Jerry in a quiet ceremony. Three kids later, they still seem quite happy together. Shit happens in the world.

    Better you find the person you should be with than be with someone you shouldn't. Right?

    Okay, rant over. I have to get back to my work, anyways.

  19. Assuming he is broke, which some thoughtful readers above dispute, what's wrong with the woman paying for stuff if she has the money? Why is it OK for a man to pay for everything but wrong for a woman? Double standard?

  20. Oh man, that ring looks so tacky. It doesn't matter who paid for it, for me it's not worth it.

  21. No one has focused on the real tragedy here: apparently they paid *retail.*

    I find it hard to believe that a Yale grad accepted at Wharton would agree to pay $100K for a semi-precious stone. That alone suggests (to me, anyhoo) that she paid for it without consulting him.

  22. @Ice Angel and M Thank You!! It gets really lame reading complete negative vile comments day in and day out.. I Thank You! It was refreshing to read your statements. I know I’m not missed, but it is the reason I don’t read or comment on the blog daily anymore. :)

  23. "Unemployed, probably would be homeless if not living with Jessica. "

    Before he started dating Jessica, he was set to attend Wharton's MBA program this fall. Of course he has no job. He planned to be living in Philly and attending grad school.

    As for his NFL career, I don't follow that sport but I do know that the vast majority of college football players never, ever get a call to play in the big leagues. I don't care how good he was or wasn't when he was there. Getting to play even a little big is pretty special for most people.

  24. Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires and Rubies are precious stones….
    Peridot, Aquamarine, Topaz are semi-precious stones…..

  25. Well, hate to be the odd man out here, but I thought the ring was pretty. The one katie waity is sporting is pretty boring.

  26. yes, rubies are incredibly expensive. good for jessica for buying herself one.

    jewels are so annoying though. you know why the price tag is so big? because it costs a lot of money to set up shop in third world countries. though the labor is relatively cheap by comparison to first world standards - it is still very pricey. until canada and australia got in the game of mining gems - just about all gems came from third world countries.

    how lovely it must feel to look with pride at our jewels and know that a lot of human suffering and hard labor and possibly even crime and corruption (that makes it even more expensive!) went into getting them onto our little fingers...

  27. I really did not know that, Vitazza -- but what is the long-term increase in value for a ruby vs. a diamond vs. $100K in cash or gold?

  28. wait...his divorce is final already?

  29. I want to go to a dentist that gives out rings like that. Where would one be?

  30. weezy, precious stones usually don't lose value, and only appreciate in value much much more slowly than something like gold, because gold is actively traded daily and internationally.

    Cash loses and gains value all the time; since we were taken off the Gold Standard (U.S. here), cash only has the value we BELIEVE it has, like Tinkerbell. (Sorry, it's true.)

    Precious stones usually only appreciate as they begin to have historical significance, become more rare at that size & quality, etc. Those things take much longer.
    The exception is that prices may spike for a certain stone as they become trendy, such as sapphires after Lady Di got her engagement ring.

    I'm no expert. Y'all are free to correct me.

  31. That said, I totally agree that I can't believe she paid RETAIL!

    And I really believe that it went down like this:
    Daddy takes a 'loan' from Jess' account.
    Gives money to BF.
    BF walks into store and buys ring, so she'll never have to lie, b/c he technically 'bought it.'

    I think that kind of thing is important to Jessica. JMO

  32. RUBY IS HER BIRTHSTONE! It is a deep Ruby and probably is not reflecting the light very well in this photo. A 4 Carat Ruby that is perfect, is a good buy. It's just that Rubies aren't that popular anymore unless they are your birthstone. I'm not impressed with the ring, and I do think it looks cheap, and I don't understand why for $100K.

  33. Since they "just happened" to leak the name of the jeweler, does that mean they got it free or at a celebrity discount?

  34. If she's willing to put up with a man who doesn't work who am I to complain.

  35. I also think Papa Joe bought the ring.

  36. Harry Winston my ass!!! That ring is from HSN. Jessica honey, we're not playing with Barbies anymore. Please if you're gonna buy yourself a Ken husband, at least get a good lawyer and draft an airtight prenup.

  37. Sorry, my bad. Neil Lane my ass!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Your trivia for the day: rubies are red sapphires...
    (I love them - wore one today)

  39. @M - I agree w/ most of your post except on the timing of her announcement. I see what you mean about it "never being a good time" w/ the Nick situation but 2 weeks after his announcement just seems....too much for coincidence.

    I love Jessica & I hope she really is happy.

    Ok, I don't know how accurate this is but I saw a profile on the engagement on the news the other day & they were talking about how much these two are worth. They said he was worth $2 million from the NFL deal AND he had real estate investments. So, even if he is no longer earning from the NFL, isn't it possible that he initially invested his money well & is living off that?? I also have read that he comes from money himself, so if he is "broke" maybe he asked HIS parents for the money.
    This report also said Jessica was worth ONE BILLION DOLLARS between her perfume line, clothing line, etc.

    If I'm being honest, I'd want my man to buy the ring on his own but if I were worth a billion dollars, I think I'd pick out my own too. Hell, I basically did that with my husband and my ring was about $95k less than hers. :)



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