Friday, October 01, 2010

Your Turn

So, after watching the report last night on Scientology, it made me think of a question I have not asked for Your Turn. Do you believe in God or at least some kind of higher power?


  1. Nope, nothing. Life's too short to stress about that.

  2. Well, I would like to believe in a nice white-haired man sitting in the sky looking down on us all benevolent, but I can't. I think the concept of God is too simple an answer for what it pretends to explain, but I believe in a certain energy (for lack of a better word) that exists in everything.

  3. A really bad your turn question. Religion and politics cause peeps to lose their minds!

  4. I believe in "something" out there, but not God, in the traditional sense. If I had to categorize myself, it would be Pagan. Wicca to be specific.

  5. I believe in God and I'm not at all stressed about it. :)

  6. I think like you jagerlilly. I'm more of a wiccan Methodist myself.

  7. Nope. Nada. Neg.

  8. yes, I do. How or if God interacts with us, is the big mystery.

  9. Totally, 100% believe in God.

    Much to the chagrin of my dear parents, the rest is all BS to me and has been since I was a young child.

  10. I don't believe in god or in any other religion but I believe in the teachings that a man named Jesus left, just common rules in how to treat people and how to behave, even though I don't agree with how they treat certain matters (as homosexuals, for example).

  11. There's no doubt in my mind that God exists.

  12. God is good all ways!
    Yes without a doubt, my life is a testament to the fact that he exists!

  13. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Nope. Atheist to the core.

  14. lol - what rebellious, contrary and nice said.
    Godless heathen here.

  15. I don't believe in the Christian concept of God, but I do admire the different religions and their pantheons. Especially Hinduism. They have some cool looking Gods.

    And I do show respect all long as it's not being shoved down my throat.

  16. YES, I believe there is something bigger than we are...what it is...well that's the question.

  17. most definitely believe in God, Jesus....too many things have happened in my life to believe anything contrary.

  18. I believe in a higher power/God/inner spirit. I also believe in aliens and can't help but wonder what the government will do now that all the ex-air force guys have come out and declared they've seen ufos at our nuclear weapon sites. How come nothing in the press about any of this? Anyone heard anything since or are these guys ALL nuts?

  19. I believe there is "something" going on out there, on a level higher than we humans are on, but I don't think it's any kind of God. I was raised in the church but I've come to rest more on the Pagan side of things. I had too many questions, and was not given ANY sensible answers from the church.

  20. I believe there's something out there. When I was in the hospital this summer after a horrible accident someone or something was there comforting me!

  21. I believe in me, and in my ability to be kind. That's what I am trying to teach my children as well. And I would be completely fine if they grew into believing in God or a higher power or whatever.

  22. I'm not ruling it out. That would be presumptious and a bit soulless.

    But I will not be returning to these comments because I have a feeling it'll get nutty in here.

  23. @Cheryl - well said. I believe 100% in treating others the way you yourself wish and deserve to be treated. I won't take my kids to church (or maybe I'll take them to one of each?), but if they want to go check it out for themselves when the times comes, that's entirely up to them.

  24. I believe in an energy force all living things share. No God, god, or old man or lady up "there".

  25. I do believe in God and practice my faith. 100%. I believe you should give thanks when things go well and not just prayer when things are going bad.

    I also believe if you choose not to believe in God, that is your choice and I respect it. Please just show me the same respect.

  26. i "believe" that i don't know and don't care.

  27. Recovering Catholic.

    Agnostic. do your thing and i'll do mine.

  28. I absolutely 100% believe in God and Jesus. I also believe that Jesus died for me and you, that my sins have been washed clean by faith, and that Jesue rose from the dead. I believe that we are called to love one another with tolerance and encouragement and show Christ's love in our relationship with others. Judgment of others is not any of my business...we are all sinners, that is why we need a savior.

  29. I believe in a higher power. I believe that there is someone/something.
    However, I don't believe in the Gods the world religions are forcing onto us, because they are all misogynistic and why should I as a woman believe that I'm worth less than a man?

  30. If I were to be forced to commit myself to a label, it would have to be Universalist Wiccan.
    So, yes I believe in a Universal Intelligence, however believe that It is so vast and infinite that there is no way to pigeon-hole it as a single Deity.

  31. I don't know. I have been agnostic, then atheist. I don't believe in the organised religious gathering places. I feel that the people running the organisations bastardise the spirit of the religious texts. Having said that, I don't think the 10 commandments are a bad way to live. I also respect other people's right to believe, I just don't want them imposing their belief on me. I also struggle with people who say they are religious but act much worse than I do. I then wonder, well, what has religion done for you? Very deep question. I like how everyone has respectfully commented so far.

  32. I consider myself an apatheist.

  33. Agnostic.
    Seen too many people being messed up from religion, myself included.
    I just think there MAY be a God or Gods, but I think it's presumptious, smug and bold to think that out of all the religions "YOURS" is the only right one. (And I mean the thumpers and nutcases, not anyone in particular) Who says they are'nt all wrong or right? It's all geography and happening to be born to whoever believes whatever mostly.

  34. A prime mover of some kind, sure - but I don't think anything has hit on it. If all else fails, Cthulhu.

  35. Also, if I may: I really like this question, and you guys have been the coolest collection of view points I've encountered in this kind of Q&A. So, you know - bravo.

  36. I don't believe in God. I believe in Myself.

  37. I follow the traditional, Native American religious teachings of my late husband and his family. I believe in a Creator who has given us the gift (and challenge) of free will. I give thanks every day for my life and the lives of those I love and those who were put here to teach me and share with me -- including this wonderful CDAN family!! Meegweech for asking!

  38. absolutely do.

    *mainstream protestant here* given my industry, what i've seen and what i've lived...well, it's nice to have my faith to fall back on.

    and btw, yes, it really saddens us when we're lumped in as bigoted, homophobic, intolerant, right-wing extremists. we're also not fear-mongering, anti-immigration morons nor are we uneducated bumpkins. we don't sympathize w/ the westboro psychos or koran-burners. we're not all conservative nor do we feel the need to shove our faith down your throat. as christians we're called to love one another, and to respond in love even when it hurts to do so. it's not about being better than anyone or being "right", it's a faith journey that's actually a pretty cool thing, so yeah...that's what's up.

  39. I think science, despite its best efforts to the contrary, will wind up pointing to a creator.

  40. I was raised Methodist, sang in the junior choir, even taught Sunday School for a year (well, it was the infants & preschoolers, so it was really just babysitting, but it sounds good to say you're a former Sunday School teacher...), but over the years my ideas & believes have kind of shifted around. There are definitely many aspects of Paganism I like, and the same w/Judaism (chalk that up to having lots of both as friends), but I'm not quite willing to go completely over & throw the Baby Jesus out w/the bathwater. I do tend to agree with the idea "the paths are many, the Light is one", and am inclined to think that every culture works out a creation legend and a God or Gods who work for them, and doesn't pretty much every major religion believe in some version of the Golden Rule? It also drives me crazy that so many people (read: men of low degree) use religion as a way to beat down women; I don't know enough about a number of religions, but I do know that both Jesus and Mohammmed treated women with respect and relied on them heavily to help spread the word, and assuming they're Out There Somewhere, it must drive them crazy to see what their so-called followers are doing in their names.

    OK, I'll pipe down now, but yes, I do believe in something, and it roughly follows the Judeo-Christian image, but I'm still trying to figure it all out...but treating other people right is still the most important part.

  41. I believe there's a *possibility* of something beyond the material world. Soul, spirit, something like that. But not in anything in particular, nor any deities. I take wisdom where I can find it and try to live a good and compassionate life for its own sake. I'm partial to listening to His Holiness, the Dalia Lama of Tibet and a Buddhist nun named Pema Chodron. They're both wise, kind, and interesting to listen to.

  42. My beliefs are very similar to Robin the Mad Photographer's. Definitely raised to believe God created the world, Jesus died for my sins and I'll get to Heaven by accepting him as my personal savior. I thank Him for my blessings, ask Him for forgiveness of my sins, and pray to Him for guidance. However, I do not ascribe to any particular religion and haven't since I was disillusioned by the cliquish atmosphere of the church I last attended. I believe it's most important to adhere to your particular beliefs. I also happen to believe in karma, reincarnation and practicing the golden rule. But who am I to say my way is right and Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, etc. are wrong?

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    If you would take the few moments to vote I would truly appreciate it!
    Peace, Katja

  44. Raised catholic, but left the Church after realizing they hate gays. Eventually believed that there was nothing out there watching over us whether it be god or something else. So I guess I became athiest.

    So imagine my surprise when I fell down the stairs and broke my hip and more that likely was either still in shock or unconcious. But apparently when I came to, I had asked the paramedic dude if he was god.

    So I don't remember saying it, but I guess in my deepest darkest mind I do believe in God.

  45. Absolutely. I believe in God and know he is there and he loves me/us.

  46. nope... atheist, humanist and secularist here

    was born and raised in christianity [pentacostal, non-denominational and southern baptist]... did all the rounds, asked many questions [all either left unanswered, or answered so ludicrously it quickly made me cynical of most religious people's intentions]

    i have many friends and family that believe and i dont judge, that is, until they show ignorance in their own bigotry [esp when it comes to gay issues] and i have to point out flaws in their logic... otherwise i live and let live


  47. Raised Roman Cathlic, then was atheist for a long while. Now I'm apatheist. And I'm not interested in and don't care about others beliefsp they can worship their god(s) at will (unless they're in a cult, like COS, et. al. Then all bets are off.

  48. Nope. Secular humanist/atheist here.

  49. Sure do. I also believe in science though, so I don't know what that means.

  50. I am a pantheist, but it could be the dirt nap.

  51. Born and raised Catholic, although I did leave the church for awhile. Plus, one of my best friends is a Catholic priest.

  52. No. I didn't ever but after reading enough anthropology I've grown to understand that the ruling class in any society will find a way to control the masses. Always has.
