Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Is Jodie Foster Smoking?

Jodie Foster gave an interview to Extra where she called Mel Gibson, "the most loved man in the film business." Really? No one is more loved? Well, I am glad someone loves him because it sure is not me. I'm trying to think of some redeeming qualities and I really don't have any that spring to mind. I guess that people who know him would call him loyal. Jodie says that Mel is an incredible and loyal friend who is just going through a rough time.

I think Mel has been going through similar episodes for awhile but we, the public, just have not been privy to all of them. There is no way he went through all those years of marriage with Robin and was perfect. Robin or whoever else was involved probably just decided to ignore it or make it go away. You don't just suddenly become the Mel Gibson of the past few years.

Apparently Mel has more than one friend because he is filming a cameo in Hangover 2 which sucks because I really wanted to watch that movie.


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