Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weirdest Case Ever

Yesterday, former Food Network star, Juan-Carlos Cruz, pleaded no contest to a charge of solicitation of murder. Juan Carlos was accused of attempting to hire some homeless guys to kill his wife. Notice I did not say then wife or soon to be ex-wife. Yep, they are married and are planning on staying married despite Juan-Carlos having to spend up to the next 9 years in prison. Well, actually this is California and he has been in jail since May, and he is a celebrity, so carry the one, yeah, California probably will give him some type of check for keeping him in jail that long.

Anyway, yesterday after he pleaded no contest, he and his wife blew kisses at each other. Seriously? The story being spun is that Juan-Carlos' wife was so distraught that she could not have children that she was contemplating suicide. However, she is a religious woman so Juan-Carlos decided to hire some people to kill her and then they were going to kill him. Uh huh. The thing is I think she believes him. Why didn't he just do it himself if that was the plan? Hey, Jennifer Campbell. Yeah, you. Juan could have got a gun, shot you and killed himself. He didn't. Want to know why? Because he did not want to die in this scenario. I know, I know, but think about it while he is in jail. Oh, and don't turn your back when he gets out.


  1. I thought I had heard the wife knew of and sanctioned the plot the whole time?? And that's why they didn't send him up for attempted murder??

    If I am mistaken, I am sorry.

    At any rate, jail is where he needs to be. Even if my version is correct, he needed to get his wife psychological help.

  2. Cecilia, no you heard right. that's the story that we've been given,true or not, that it was supposed to be a mercy killing because suicide was not part of their religion.

    i don't know...have these fucking people never heard of adoption? "jesus, i'd rather DIE than adopt because I can't have kids??" Maybe you shouldn't have them at all in that mental state.

  3. don't think I would ever refer to Juan Carlos Cruz as a Food Network "star". He had that calorie show that was on for like a year or something. In my mind, "star" refers to the biggies - Ina, Giada, Bobby, Rachel, etc.

    Anyway, what a bizarre story - he wasn't actually trying to MURDER her, just fulfilling her wish to die? That's just... wow

  4. Un-fucking-believable. Suicide is a no-no but murder is okay? Seriously??

  5. call me a romantic but I thought it was sweet him wanting to have his wife murdered and all.

  6. You gotta laugh at the utterly ridiculous reasoning.

  7. @jax: Thank you! I can't believe with so many kids needing it, this "religious" person opts for suicide over adoption. And no matter how you spin it, if you know someone's going to kill you and you're okay with that, isn't THAT suicide?
    @timebob: Oh, those crazy kids!

  8. What religion allows you to let someone else kill you and themselves? I agree. It just suicide with a different name.

  9. One time I was sitting in court, observing, and this man was being sentenced for beating the shit out of his wife and threatening to kill her by burning down the house. I guess this wasn't his first time at the rodeo for this because the judge gave him 2 years(plus a day) for what he did, even though his wife dropped the charges and begged for mercy.

    The point is, sometimes women (and men) are abused so badly that they'll believe anything their abuser says. Even something as crazy as this.

  10. I did not know the Commandment was Thou Shall Not Kill --- Unless you are trying to kill yourself then we give you a pass.

  11. LMAO @timebob

    Both sound like lunatics to me. What a bizarre story!?
