Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today's Blind Items

#1 - Despite her well documented financial woes, this world famous photographer still manages to find a way to fly first class. Of course to save some money, she does relegate her assistant to economy.

#2 - This engaged B+/A- list comedic actor failed to mention he had a serious girlfriend while he made promises and slept with this will someday be A list but right now B- list film actress. She is ticked and has threatened to reveal everything to the unsuspecting girlfriend.


  1. why is number 1 blind? annie lebowitz of course

  2. 1 - Annie Leibovitz

    2 - ?

  3. 1. Annie, of course.
    2. Bradley Cooper? Though, depends if you count Renee as "serious."

  4. And maybe Rashida Jones as the actress? I see her being big one day.

  5. 1. Annie Leibovitz; in all fairness, her contracts may provide two RT tickets for her and she cashes one in for two business or coach seats, one for her assistant and the other for a kid or to carry equipment too delicate to trust to check-in. (Like a concert cellist with his instrument.)

  6. 1. Liebowitz
    2. Brand?

  7. 2. Russell Brand/Greta Gerwig - Arthur

  8. 1-in this day and age, i don't know of any assistants that fly 1st. theyr'e lucky if they get business class. *jumps on AL train*

    2-idk...brand sounds good...but aren't some of those vampire show/harry potter peeps engaged? don't know if they'd be considered funny tho.

  9. I am with RocketQueen on this one.

  10. 1. Liebowitz
    2. Seth Rogan
    3. Emma Stone? Ew. I would hope she has better taste, but it's a guess.

  11. 1. duh
    2. Seth Rogen and Anna Kendrick. They filmed a movie together earlier this year.

  12. Oooh I didn't see "engaged". Gotta be Brand

  13. cooper and Squinty aren't engaged are they?

  14. P.S. I didn't think of Russell because he seems so enamored with Katy, and they haven't been together *that* long. I like those two freaks together, for whatever reason. I don't want it to be him!

    Rogan's been with his girlfriend for something like six or seven years, right? I say it's Pudgy McDouche.

  15. It turns out Rogen also got engaged last month to his long-term girlfriend, so that's actually a damn good guess!

  16. Anonymous2:00 PM

    off topic. if you are a fan of jodeci, r&b group, or kc and jo jo, their reality show starts tonight on tv1. Ahem, their attempts to get their lives back on track. a really popular song, that's played at many weddings, "all my life."



  17. So, I wouldn't fly my assistant first-class either, necessarily. Start out low, pay your dues, then we'll talk.

    It's like those junior campaign staffers who complained that Elizabeth Edwards sometimes yelled at them. First job much?

  18. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130650117

    Here is somewhere I bet Enty would love to go to...

  19. Yelling at other people isn't cool. I don't care who the employer is, unless one is in the army on the front line.

    My assistant would fly biz or coach. Annie is the one with the cash, and as long as she is paying their salary and plane tickets, they should STFU.

  20. Anonymous2:14 PM

    bankruptcy does not mean a person has no assets. it means that they cannot pay their outstanding debt. anne still has some money.

    that being said, she should consider flying business and coach on (flights within 5 hours). i'm guessing her ego and self-importance won't let her.

  21. Lebowitz for sure for #1.

    I think the Seth Rogen guess is the one for #2. At first I thought about Dax Shepard, but Enty would have surely mentioned that he was engaged to a rising actress like Kristen Bell.

  22. Oops. Just noticed that the actor is rated a B+/A- star. That definitely rules out Dax Shepard. He's a C at best.

  23. #2 is definitely Seth Rogen. With Emma Stone?

  24. I really can't blame anyone for flying their assistant coach. This is standard in any profession.

  25. I'm one of those that loved Inglourious Bastards and my 10year old who is old enough to read the underneath things or whatever you call it agrees so I wouldv'e given Quentin & Diane thee top spot.
    Swear to Gawd that kids asks to watch it again and again on DVD if nites are boring! The 3 fingers german thing really intigued him.

  26. Yay!! Michael K. posted and linked blind #2 and posted my guess!!
    I'm so flattered!!!!


  27. Go Taylor, MK is so funny! Anna Kendrick & Seth Rogan for the win, or number two. She's in the photos and looks so pretty, but I hope that Seth's fiance doesn't find out by reading about it on the web. That would be so sad.

  28. @weezy and others who also see not much to worry about in #1, let me add:

    for some assistants, it would be better to sit apart from your boss during a long flight, no? I wouldn't want to work with someone twelve hours, then sit thigh-to-thigh for twelve more hours, then work twelve more hours...I would kill for a seat in biz class by that point

  29. 1. Isn't even a blind, as people have mentioned.

    Weezy's probably right. AL probably isn't paying for those tickets (and FYI from what I understand, she isn't in as dire straights as she may have been at one time).

    Re: Flying your Assistant First Class... to generalize that all Assistants are "young" and haven't paid their "dues" is incorrect and thus shouldn't fly First, I'm going to disagree. I've been an Assistant to those in the Industry for over a decade, and believe me I've put in my dues. Not all Assistants are 23, using the job (and their employer's name) to get to the next "rung". That said, I fly whatever class my employer does. If she flies coach, I fly coach. If she flies First, I fly First. I love who I work for, and thus, it's not a problem (and in fact, a perk). However, you have to realize, a lot of times, Assistants don't have as lovely employers, and that time in coach, separated from the barrage of demands, is actually WELCOMED (just imagine sitting beside your boss for 6 hours without the distraction of email or phone).

  30. #2: not Anna Kendrick. She's been recently linked to Edgar Wright, her director on Scott Pilgrim. The movie might have flopped but Wright is still a good catch, as he is quite good-looking (for a director) and has done Spaced, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz with Simon Pegg. Pegg has other connections with the Apatow clan (his next movie stars Seth Rogen), so there would be no benefit to do such a thing.

  31. 1. That commercial hack, Annie Liebovitz

    2. Dunno, but if it's Brand how could the actress concerned NOT have heard about him and Katy?

  32. Anonymous7:54 AM

    if i am traveling overseas (rarely) and my part-timer asst is with me, we fly business. in the usa flights over three hours, i fly business and she flies coach. however, we stay in the same hotels everywhere.

  33. #2 is with Seth Rogen, and maybe with Amber Heard? They were in Pineapple Express together.

  34. I've always got the prima dona vibe from Leibowitz, so I've never liked her.
