Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

Despite not having the hits he once did, this male singer still plays big arenas and is permanently on the A list. Anyway, our singer read a book he really liked and invited the author to come hang out for a weekend. The author told the singer that he had a teenage son who was a musician and also a big fan of the singer. The singer said to bring the son along. So, off they went. Over the weekend, the singer took the son around and brought him to a concert, took him backstage, introduced him to the members of the band and even let the teenager play with the band during a show. Totally made every dream of this kid come true.


Ryan said...

Al Jolson

Nosey Parker said...

Ozzy Osbourne?

Tinydancer said...

Garth Brooks?

von said...

Bryan Adams?

maggiemei said...

Bruce Springsteen?

silenttype said...

Bob Dylan

Maja With a J said...

Jon Bon! Or...Bryan Adams!

sunnyside1213 said...

Yes, and the cluelessness continues.

Ice Angel said...

Wow...all great guesses, but I'm going with Neil Diamond because he was just recently in the randoms.

Angie said...

Billy Joel?

Ryan said...

Parker Posey!

Linda C said...

Elton John? I checked his website and he's touring now.

Kara said...

Bruce Springteen.

He did something really similiar for a newspaper columnist's kid here in Oregon when he came through about a year or so ago. The columnist was so impressed that he wrote a whole article about it. It was a girl and she had mentioned a favorite song. He added it to his set list and dedicated it to her during the concert.

RocketQueen said...

Tom Jones?

nunaurbiz said...

I doubt a teenage boy would be a big fan of Neil Diamond or Elton.

Garth doesn't tour really.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Um, how many teenaged boys do YOU guys know who are fans of Neil Diamond, Garth Brooks, OR Bryan Adams? :-)

I vote for Springsteen. He's a LEGEND. Any budding guitarist of any age would crap his/her pants to hang with the dude for a while.

nunaurbiz said...

Although when I read this, my first thought was, "This totally sounds like something Lionel Richie would do."

Do teen boys like Lionel Richie?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

*I meant "any budding musician," not just "any guitarist." :-)

surfer said...

I'll throw out Rod Stewart.

RocketQueen said...

Or Prince?

nancer said...

i'll go with billy joel or springsteen, although springsteen still puts out albums that sell really well. so maybe i'm leaning towards billy joel.

Melody the First said...

Paul McCartney. He does that kind of thing all the time. And any teenage musician would worship him (my grandson does).

Cindy said...

I'm gonna jump on the Springsteen bandwagon. It's been a while since he's had a radio hit, AND he did things like this without a lot of publicity when he was a client at my job in the 80's. Totally sounds like him.

Ice Angel said...

Any budding artist should aspire to be like Neil Diamond. He is one of the greatest songwriters of all time and has influenced musicians of all types, most notably Elvis Presley. But like What about Bob...there are 2 kinds of people in this world-those who love Neil Diamond and those who hate Neil Diamond. I on the LOVE train!

Barton Fink said...

I like the guesses, all of them. Parker Posey perhaps most of all, because, if any of the other are valid, why not her?

Angela said...

Gary Glitter?

Angela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Share said...

I'm thinking Meat Loaf. He is touring right now, just on the Tonight Show, and still plays big venues.

I definitely think a teen boy would be listening to his music, especially some of the early stuff.

Plus, he seems like a nice enough guy to do something like that.

nunaurbiz said...

FYI, was not putting down those artists. I'm not an ND fan, but love Elton!

I was just thinking of my 18-year-old nephew and artists he likes now and has liked. His tastes are quite a bit more edgy! :-)

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Sounds very Bruce-like.

Erin said...

@Angela: lol!

kcqueen said...

Springsteen is a first class asshole; This is Elton John.

kcqueen said...

Springsteen is a first class asshole; This is Elton John.

Miranda said...

I don't care who it is, bravo to him! That sounds effing amaaaazing!

I hope it's the Boss. That would make this a hundred times better :)

ThoughtElf said...

I'd like to know what the book was that the artist loved.

Unknown said...

Forget Neil Diamond. Neil SEDAKA, baby! LOLs!

Christine Marie said...

Jimmy Buffet hasn't needed new material in years and still sells out concert arenas. And, most people young and old know his songs so him having young fans is entirely plausible.

Basil said...

My first thought was Elton John, but I can't really see him doing something like this. He comes across as a pretty selfish person.

I do like the Meat Loaf guess though! Bat Out of Hell was one of the biggest selling albums of all times. People still buy it to this day. And he does play big venues still on the strength of that album. Plus, when I went to his last concert (at a big venue) there were TONS of teenagers there. Anyone of them would have been thrilled to meet him and go backstage. Plus, Meatloaf is a pretty laid back guy. I know someone who has dealt with him (when he was at his lowest and practically bankrupt) and he never once pulled the "But I'm a star" card. I'm gonna ask her tomorrow if this sounds like something he would do.

Tenley said...

I'm going with Paul McCartney, too. Plus, I can see him not only reading a book but asking an author to spend a weekend with him -- and an author accepting because it would be at his estate or mansion or resort or whatever and, you know, not New Jersey.

Jackie said...

Billy Joel was my first thought, but I'm liking the Meat Loaf guess. From what I've heard and seen, he seems like a really cool and laid back guy. And Bat out of Hell was and is one hell (forgive the pun) of a record!

Squeezebox said...

The detail made me remember how John Mellencamp got to know Stephen King, and after hanging out a while, they began collaborating on a musical project.

So, since Mellencamp has a history of getting in touch with writers he admires, I'll guess the male singer is John Mellencamp - he's touring right now, by the way. Though I have no idea who the author with the teenaged son might be.

Unknown said...

garth brooks is in the pix today, fits like a glove

cdanluva said...

This has to be Phil Collins.

Jennifer said...

Dave Matthews!!

ardleighstreet said...

Clapton, Bon Jovi

Jeannies Bottle said...

Going with Bruce for this one. He has remained 'real'. The Ozzy Osborne guess was funny though. Like he can read.

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Springsteen came to mind. What a wonderful thing, whomever did it. Such a little thing for a celeb to do with such a big impact for the kid. Nice. REVEAL!!!

julie has opinions said...

Tom Petty

Unknown said...

Bruce isn't touring right now, although he'd totally do this.

Believe it or not, Dave Matthews is a standup guy. I can see this being him.

Meg said...

This made me teary!!

Not a clue on the guess, but I would love it to be (almost) anyone previously mentioned...

@ThoughtElf - I'm also just as intrigued by the author/book as I am the singer/band.

I just googled "Artists Currently on Tour" and it listed Johnny Cash, so I don't think that is an accurate list...happy guessing!

Randy said...

What about Sting? He toured this summer. He's a pretty cerebral guy and definitely a reader.

uofazwildkitty said...

Riding the Meat Loaf train,

Audrey said...

Springsteen - he did something similar with my bosses' (sp?)son.

RJ said...

How about Willie Nelson? I know lots of young people who are really into his music, and love his stance on legalized pot and gasoline alternatives. This also sounds much more like something that he'd do than Bruce. He's also known to be a big promoter of authors that he likes.

mygeorgie said...

Ozzy..... or Gene Simmons? They are the only 2 musicians who I can think of who's popularity has endured generations. Dickhead Gene still has quite the following.

Melody the First said...

mygeorgie, this generation knows the Beatles and the Stones like they know their own generation.

shakey said...

My first thought was Billy Idol (he played Montreal recently), but I do like the John Mellencamp, Tom Petty guesses.

Stacie said...

Paul Simon? He is a legend, and his kindness is well documented...

Casey said...

I say Robert Plant. Definitely a legend, still has hits (the recent Alison Krauss collaboration), and is currently touring.

Ice Angel said...

This is out of left field a bit, but how about Todd Rundgren? I am not sure he is quite A-list, but my husband, a die hard fan, and many other's I know would say he is. He still tours constatntly, plays Letterman all the time, and is very active within the music community to this day. Also, an extremely cool and cerebral dude.

Ice Angel said...

Oh...never mind...forgot about the big arenas thing. Todd only tours small venues. Oh well. He's still awesome. I'll stick with Neil Diamond.

PotPourri said...

Dammit, Where are the Barry Manilow guesses?!!!!

Kelli said...

i don't think this could have been Bon Jovi, he was in Brazil last week. But in any rate it's a kindness blind so just spill it!!!!!

timebob said...

I'm going with Dave Matthews he hasn't had any big hits in a few years. But he sells out stadiums all over the world. And he is currently on tour right now.

I agree with the others Springsteen is known as a big A Hole and don't see him doing it.

Dave seems like a pretty kind hearted guy lives a normal life with a wife and kids. Him I could see doing it but not Bruce.

julie has opinions said...

I really think it is Tom Petty.

Is it really just me?

devildana said...


whocares said...

Springsteen an A Hole? Can someone please tell me one negitive story. I have heard hundreds of postive stories about him and that not only is a great person, he may be the nicest person in music

Lisa said...



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