Friday, October 01, 2010

The Salahis Threaten To Sue Anyone Who Calls Them White House Party Crashers

The Salahis are going to be spending the next bazillion years in court if they keep their pledge to sue anyone who refers to them as White House party crashers. Their lawyer, Lisa Bloom, who also represents Michael Lohan, released a statement that says, "The Salahis did not 'crash' the White House dinner, nor the Black Caucus dinner. It is simply a false statement of fact, and defamatory, to call the Salahis 'party crashers,' as it suggests they have committed crimes."

I'm not sure how crashing a party is a crime. I have crashed lots of parties in my life. In fact, let me tell you a little story about me back in the day. High school. Way back. When I was living upstairs at my parent's place instead of being relegated to the basement.

Anyway, three or four of my friends were out on a Friday night and we could not find this party we were supposed to be going to. We were driving around an apartment complex looking and we noticed there was a party going on in the apartment clubhouse. Thinking it might be our party, we got out and went in. Nope, not our party. It was instead a party for 20 somethings but there were ice chests full of beer and lots of food sitting out on trays. It was a big party so we kind of blended in and drank and ate and no one seemed to notice we were there. Was it a crime? I don't think so. Now, when we decided to all grab six beers to go and ran for it, now that might have been a crime but crashing a party does not imply anything criminal and considering how many people have said the Salahis crashed the White House State dinner I think they don't stand much of a chance. The only reason they are even notable in the world is because of that incident. I cannot stand them.


  1. Any judge with a lick of sense would throw out any such lawsuit!

  2. To me, it sounds like they compromised the safety of the President of the United States. Better?

  3. calling someone a party crasher after they've crashed parties is a crime?

    these people are con artists and opportunists. crashing a party isn't a crime but when you crash a white house party, it's a security breach, and IMO that's a crime. they're liars. why anyone listens to anything they say is beyond me. despise these people.

  4. That would be like the kettle suing the pot for calling it a kettle.

    Agreed. They are not party crashers. They are secruity breechers.

  5. This lawyer represents Michael Lohan too? Not easy deal with 3 fame whore clients.

  6. Oh, ok, so they don't want to be called party crashers? Then I will refer to them by their proper title: "Talentless disgusting famewhores who would make up lies about their family in exchange for an US Weekly cover, who went to a party at the White House that they had not, and never would be, invited to, and, I'm sure, violated national security in some way."

    Aka deadbeats.


  7. Yep, security breach, plain and simple. Don't we have a terrorism law to cover this and put them away for life?!?!?!

  8. Seriously, who the hell are these people?

  9. @0:

    They're PARTY CRASHERS !!!

    sorry, i couldn't resist :)

  10. Can I call them uninvited guests without getting sued?

  11. Can I call them uninvited guests without getting sued?

  12. Oh please, this nonsense is just another way to keep their names in the media for another 2.5 minutes.

  13. @Sue Ellen Mishkey: lol. Yes, better.

    Seems to me that getting rid of an unwanted moniker means you have to accomplish something more significant. Oh...wait...their lawyers must not think that is possible.

  14. I'd rather no one call them anything at all. Don't play into these fame whores of the worst sort.

  15. Hey, Salahis! Yeah, you!

  16. Hey, Salahis! Yeah, you!

  17. is lisa bloom gloria allred 2.0?

  18. party crashers, party crashers, party crashers. oh yeah and you are stupid to boot!

  19. Can we just call them plain white trash? Or hows about trash with money? Or hows about party crashin' trash with money?

  20. Without looking it up, I'm pretty sure Lisa Bloom is Gloria Allred's daughter.
