Monday, October 25, 2010

Randy Quaid Requests Asylum In Canada

Last week when Randy and Evi Quaid were arrested in Canada after fleeing there to hide from California authorities, I thought there would be a quick hearing and off they would go back to California and the police.

Of course I forgot it is Randy Quaid I was thinking about. Today at a hearing in Canada, the couple officially requested asylum in Canada. Why? Randy is afraid of a group of people he says are responsible for killing off eight of his friends like Heath Ledger and David Carradine. He fears he could be next so needs to remain in Canada where presumably they cannot get him. Yes, they got David Carradine in his hotel room in Asia, but they cannot get Randy living in West Vancouver. Nice logic.

For now, the couple were released on bail while Canada decides whether to grant their request.


  1. Noooooooooooooo. Get them out.

  2. I tink I am in love with the wackiness of these 2.

  3. Ok, can someone finally tell me are they on drugs, or are they just nuts?!?!

  4. these 2 wacky kids have kept me entertained for months now. you just never know where they're going to turn up next. no matter what they've done, they're always smiling.

    of course, they're both batshit crazy and paranoid. probably some time in separate rubber rooms is in order, and detox and rehab for whatever the hell it is they're on.

  5. They will not be granted asylum in Canada. They will be granted entrance to asylum, however.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. How can both of them be crazy????? What's wrong with them????

  8. that's quite a conspiracy.....


  9. Star Whackers! Love them!!

  10. Wait, they have friends?

  11. I want to know what drugs they are taking? This is insane. And I'm sorry, they are some much more fun to here about than Lindsay. I'll take it any day.

  12. Please tell me these two are child-free. Their story amuses me to no end but it would turn quite tragic if in fact they have children.

  13. like we need more whackjobs in Vancouver.

  14. These two are hilarious. As someone who used to process immigrants refugees at Vancouver airport, I can assure you all these two don't have a shot in hell of being granted asylum. However, with the waiting list and appeals, they could very well be here for YEARS before being deported. I guess he's given up on that whole "movie making" thing.

  15. They really should have their own reality show!

  16. Miss P, I was thinking the 'xact same thing. We need a a film crew to follow 'em for a month.

  17. These two are seriously BSC. I thought I had read previously that it was just Evie that was crazy and that Randy indulges her, but there is something seriously wrong with both of them. I hope they get some help sometime soon.

  18. hahaha, jeannie's bottle. you're so right. they should really be careful about even using the word 'asylum.'

  19. What Jeannie's Bottle and Nancer said.

  20. @Pookie, If they were trying to abuse the asylum system, I would agree with you. But they have disappeared into a delusional system, starting at least back in 2003, and they have believed that there is a conspiracy of murderers after them for a long time. NYPost has a story at -- I guess the takeaway is that they're not trying to play games. They're experiencing some kind of mental illness, maybe substance-abuse related.

  21. pooks,
    unfortunately, they would have to be a DANGER to themselves (suicidal tendencies) or to others to call in a 5150.
    pretty sure they'll get nailed on something else fairly soon. something without the comforting drugs and sponge baths!

  22. "Are you serious, Clark?"

    Randy, are these the same people that kidnapped Jeremy London too???

  23. They're just confused. They really are looking for AN asylum.

  24. Where are they staying while they seek asylum? Another hotel?

    Yesterday I thought to myself, wouldn't be a bomb if the "star whacking" turned out to be true? LOL.
