Monday, October 25, 2010

Random Photos Part Two

While Marc Anthony kept fixing his tie, Jennifer Lopez said at this event that she really wants more kids.
Jerry O'Connell and James Marsden after completing the half marathon.
Alan Ritchson almost at the finish.
And Julian Sands at the finish line.
Not looking like he will ever run any kind of marathon is Kevin Federline.
Kathy Griffin and her shiny purple pants.
Kendall Jenner working red carpets on her own now.
Katy Perry after her tiger sanctuary wedding and
at the airport as she and Russell head to the Maldives.
Pamela Anderson looks pretty good here.
Patrulla 81 - Los Angeles


  1. Jlo's dress was gorgeous till it got to the sheer part, ugh, I would have gone back to the designer on that one.

  2. Pamela looks good anytime she's wearing clothes and not wasted off her ass.

  3. Whoa, cannot believe kathy Griffin's gays let her leave the house like that.

    Raquel Welch looks amazing.

  4. jho and marc look very vegas-weddingish. no likey.

    pamela anderson is wearing clothes!

  5. You know- i LIKE KFed. I'm not sure why, but I really feel like he is trying.

  6. I'm starting a countdown for the Kathy/Russell marriage. I don't see them as long termers.

  7. I never thought they'd actually make it to the altar.

  8. If Kendall Jenner had her own tag, I was going to blow a gasket.

  9. Does anyone really believe JBlow and Skeletor are going to have more kids? That would take another trip to the invitro clinic.

  10. Blogger Henriette said...

    "Does anyone really believe JBlow and Skeletor are going to have more kids? That would take another trip to the invitro clinic."

    And what exactly wrong with that? It's not that they can't afford another kid or three.

  11. Thank you for the Julian Sands pic.

    Why does K-Fed wear those oversized clothes? I doubt he's really that big.

  12. Tatyana asked:
    And what exactly wrong with that? It's not that they can't afford another kid or three.
    If they were going to do it, they would have done it by now. They have the money and the time. I think she just says that for publicity.
