Patricia Arquette Not Handling David Divorce Questions Well
When Patricia Arquette walked a red carpet last night she was not asked any questions about her own divorce. Instead, all the questions were about her brother's divorce. Patricia answered the first few ok and said David would make it through fine. However, the more reporters asked, the testier she became.
"How are you doing? How is your kid doing? Have you ever had anything happen in your life? What’s the worst thing that you’ve ever had happen to you? Do you ever masturbate? Have you ever had an abortion? I mean, can you imagine these kind of questions? Can you imagine? Can you imagine? It’s not alright! It’s not alright!"
I don't blame her at all. It is one thing to answer the questions once or twice but she probably got the same questions repeatedly. I think her response was kind of funny. If I were her, I think I would have waited to see if someone actually gave her an answer or kept asking it repeatedly until they got quiet.