Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oksana's Boyfriend Had Sex With Oksana - Writing Book

Kristian Herzog was the bodyguard for Oksana Grigorieva until he was ordered to stay away from Oksana's daughter because of a criminal record involving guns. Now, Kristian says he has over 1,000 e-mails and 1,000 texts from Oksana which documents everything that has happened in the Mel Gibson case. he also claims that for the past several months he and Oksana have been having sex and that he still communicates with her on a daily basis.

So, what is a guy to do with all those texts and e-mails and sex stories? Write a book of course. According to TMZ, the former bodyguard did not sign any sort of confidentiality agreement so he is writing away. Honestly, he can probably make more selling it all to one of the tabloids. A book seems like a bit much, however a series of daily tabloid stories would be easier to digest and probably make him way more money.


  1. I think you need to fix your headline. It should say Oksana's BODYGUARD had sex with her, not boyfriend (though, technically, I suppose he's both).

    I'm interested in what he's got to say :)

  2. hah macvixen thats what i thought...well if he's her boyfriend why wouldn't he have sex with her lol

  3. I'm sick of hearing about her. TMZ writes something if she goes to the bathroom.

  4. I guess I'm the only one whose first thought is that Oksana is supporting this, more publicity for her side, thus he's got 100 percent the go-ahead.

  5. what calif said. OVER IT.

  6. Who on earth would read a book about that? BORING! He needs to just sell out to the tabloids and be done with it.

  7. Agree with califblondy. This woman has gotten way more publicity over this breakup with Mel than she ever would have with her ...ahem... singing. I quit reading TMZ because I am so sick of seeing All Oksana, All the Time. Seriously - enough of this woman!

  8. That book will be just a colossal boring waste of time and money.

  9. Sadly all this is doing is putting Mel in a better light and will get his A list status back soon.

  10. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Compared to Oksana, Mel will be an angel.

  11. @timebob & sylvia - that looks to me like what someone is trying very hard to do!

  12. She should have taken the money and run while she had a chance. And she signed away the kids rights to inheritance too? She is an idiot.

  13. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer...

  14. She has 39 lawyers working to loosen Mel Gibson's hold on his wallet, and expects him to pay those bills too. Whenever she loses ground she releases a little more dirt. That is nothing more than extortion and she gets no sympathy from me. Neither does Mel for that matter--but by saying and doing nothing he is starting to look good in this mess.

  15. I thought it was Mel who had the 39 lawyers? Anybody got a scorecard?

  16. Oksana has 39 lawyers that for some reason Mel has to pay for....which imho is ridiculous.

  17. No pity for Mel. TMZ is all in for Mel and puts out stories 24/7 against Oksana. Sort of sad, but I'm not going to tear her down, too many are already doing it and for all I know, she's a victim here. She tangled with a guy with money and massive legal connections. She may be going through lawyers but I'm sure Mel probably has many on retainer. This guy is no saint. He just knows how to take legal advice and she doesn't.

  18. I don't care if Oksana has 2539 lawyers. That doesn't give Mel the right to PUNCH HER IN THE FUCKING HEAD.

  19. AMEN, chopchop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I think Mel is an abusive dog BUT I don't like this woman AT ALL.

  21. Hard-headed gold-digger vs violent anti-Semite misogynist homophobe? Erm, no contest.

  22. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I know Kris. No way, no how. This is a complete distortion.



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