No More Kat Von D And Jesse James
I am shocked. People Magazine actually came up with some good gossip and they did it the tabloid way. Putting bits and pieces together to come up with a plausible story. I congratulate them for it and I think this makes two stories this week out of 100 that were not just total suck up jobs. They must have hired someone from US or something.
They suggest in their article that Kat von D and Jesse James are finished. I think after seeing Nikki Sixx and Kat getting so chummy at the Jackass 3D premiere all of us would agree there could be something. Plus, I did not even know that Kat and Nikki had hooked up earlier in the week at a Slash concert. When you start seeing a long term ex a couple of times a week, you have to believe that something is going on.
I know I was not alone in thinking the whole relationship was just to give Kat's show a boost in the ratings because the "relationship" premiered the same time as her show.