Friday, October 01, 2010

More Harry Potter Books?

I think JK Rowling is missing Harry Potter a little bit. For years and years she said Deathly Hallows was going to be it. She always stuck to that and said no way no how would there be more. Well, she now sounds like an athlete thinking about making a comeback. JK was on Oprah. Oh before I get into that, who do you think has more money? Oprah or JK? Oprah has her show and Harpo, but JK Rowling was at one point the richest woman in the UK so I think it is very close. I also think it is telling that Oprah went to JK and not the other way around.

"I could definitely write an eighth, ninth, tenth. I'm not going to say I won't. I don't think I will … I feel I am done, but you never know."

See? To me that means she will be writing another. One part of me is conflicted because she went out on top and has nothing left to prove. The other part would not mind another three or four Harry Potter books. Would they be as adults, or would it focus on the kids of the originals?


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