Katherine Heigl Has Not Had This Much Publicity In A Year
Katherine Heigl should have made use of her annoying neighbor long before now because she has been everywhere the past few days talking to anyone who will listen. The reason? On Monday night she and her husband were in their hot tub around 9pm when their neighbor started complaining they were making too much noise. Well, Katherine called her security and had them call the police. See, that is the part where she loses the people for a second. Why can't you call the police yourself? It is your house.
Anyway, Katherine says, "We don’t really do anything that scandalous or that exciting, so the fact that we’re out talking to the cops in our bathing suits on a Monday night just cracks me up. We were hanging out at home just the two of us. We made ourselves some cocktails, and I had specifically worn a sexier bikini than I normally would because I hadn’t seen (Josh) in two weeks."
I think that is the part that made people curious because she was talking to the police in her bikini. "The cops showed up. We don’t put a towel on, we don’t put a robe on, we just go out there to chat about this neighbor we can’t stand in our bathing suits and my boobs look ridiculous! I just love it because it’s the only scandalous, interesting thing that we’ve ever had to talk about."
Umm, except for that whole Grey's Anatomy thing and you not liking the movie in which you just starred and I could go on, but at least Katherine has admitted in the past week that she is trying to change and that she realizes people don't like her. If you want to be a movie star, people need to like you because movies cost money. If you are on television they don't have to like you because it is free.
You can see the video of when the police came to her house here.