Monday, October 25, 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal & Taylor Swift?!?!?

I am trying to imagine Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal dating and I cannot even summon an image. Life & Style says the couple were in New York yesterday and were holding hands as they took a walk and did some window shopping. Really? I for once in a long time am speechless. I don't see the two of them together at all. Forget all the gay rumors. Pretend they don't exist and I still do not see them together. I will say this for the relationship. We will all know exactly what happened as soon as Taylor writes a song about it.


  1. Ah, cute.....this is kinda like Taylor/Taylor....

  2. this is fucking weird.

  3. If she keeps writing about failed relationships, pretty soon no one will even try to date her for fear of being the subject of a song.

    She should have know better with Mayer though.

  4. Taylor Swift seems far too young and naive for Jake G, even if we do forget all of the gay rumours. And Jake seems like a nice guy, so I really don't want to see him as the subject of one of little Taylor's song about heartbreak. Run Jake! Run!!

  5. Yeah, this is all sorts of confusing. She fits his "type" though - wispy blondes.

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    ummm, you all know that Jake G is Toothy Tile right?

  7. And Jake fits Taylor's type: closeted men.

  8. She sure likes her men older, doesn't she?!

  9. Another beard for Jake...

  10. LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA! I won't believe Jake is gay. No way no how.

    And idk, I think they'd be cute together for a while, but I think Taylor would be the one to want to move on after a while. Reese 2.0

  11. well, she was generally thought to be a beard for Taylor L., so I guess she is just making a career out of it. Who knows, maybe she bats from the other side of the plate as well. Don't care really, just wish people didn't have to hide who they are. It's a waste of time IMO.

  12. LOL!! MacVixen I like Jake He SHOULD RunAway

  13. its a trade:
    he gets a "girlfriend" and fans with the younger gals
    she gets another "song"

  14. I can`t comprehend this madness.

  15. well shes doing well with being a beard, she gets the publicity for being with them and in turn they get to appear straight because she 'writes' songs about the relationships.

  16. haha, that is just for publicity. isn't he gay?

  17. well hello she practically bearded Lautner, this is no surprise.

  18. @Mark - according to Ted - Jake's going both ways these days, which is generally the way I think he's always been.
    That being said, if it's true he and Austin have a kid together, he still has a bearding type: thin, wispy blondes.

  19. he's her beard or she's his beard because she only dates gay guys or douche guys

  20. Taylor has a total asexual vibe. Cute as a button but zero sexual heat. It's not just Jake G. I can't imagine her with -- I can't imagine she has sex, ever, period.

  21. i think he wants to hit up taylor lautner through taylor swift....

  22. pls anyone buys this. however, new album out RIGHT all press is good press. get in on it jake, while you can.

  23. Well if Pookie's not buying it, I sure ain't! lol

  24. If Jake asked me to be his pretend girlfriend, I would be happy to oblige.

    This is really no more an odd matchup than her previous boyfriends.

  25. Can you imagine the song she would right? "How Could you Lead Me on that Way?" "I Was to Young to Pretend" "I Know You Are Confused." Oh the list goes on with the titles for it. I hope they are dating so we can hear the details in song.

  26. i have adamantly stated from the beginning that i don't believe jake is TT. i don't know why, but i've had that stance since well before i came to loathe ted c.

    as for this? yeah, not sure i believe this either. maybe just friends, not like they were making out or anything.
