I don't even know where to begin with on this one. It is so disgusting and callous that there really are no words. Joe Finley, a contestant on America's Got Talent, says that he and his wife took some ecstasy on Friday night and went out to party. He then said that he heard his wife get up at 3am and he assumed she was getting ice. OK, let us stop right there for a second. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah. From every guy that has ever killed a woman in a hotel room. OK, carry on Joe. Joe said that when he woke up around what I am guessing is noon his wife was still not there. Did he go looking for her? Nope. Called the front desk and asked them to page her. He then left for his 2pm audition for the show.
The police stopped him on his way. They chatted for awhile and the police then let him go to his audition. After the audition, Joe admitted to the police he had ecstasy on him so they arrested him. Look, I don't know if Joe killed his wife. I do know this though for sure. If the police told you that your wife was dead and presumably murdered and you went to an audition for a glorified talent show you are a grade one a-hole.
How did the police become involved? They find the body already?
ReplyDeleteGross. Just, there are no words.
ReplyDeleteThe way it was reported, at the time of his audition (in the morning), his wife was missing. She was found later.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, it's still kind of callous to go for an audition while your wife is missing. Obviously, his priorities are a little skewed.
By "chatting" with the police, do you mean they informed him his wife was dead, questioned him informally, and he proceeded to the audition anyway? Did he or the police know at that point she was dead, as opposed to missing? When did who find out what? But if he did know and went to audition, nonetheless--that's pretty cold.
ReplyDeleteum...who sleeps on X? if you took X you are not asleep at 3am from what i recall.
ReplyDeletenever taken it but been around it plenty.
Hmmm What a classy guy and the epitome of true love right there.
ReplyDeleteYour wife goes missing in a town not your own and you go to an audition instead of searching every room of that hotel for her.
Attention stupid husband: Right there ;if I was a cop; would be a HUGE freaking red flag that something was not quite right about your relationship.
What grown person takes E before an audition?
ReplyDelete@surfer - so was his wife found alive?
ReplyDelete@jax - absolutely right. I mean, if they took it in the afternoon there's a possibility, but not bloody likely.
@rocketqueen - no, they found his wife, later, in her underwear, at the bottom of a staircase. Apparently he reported her missing, then went to his audition. That's what was reported earlier this morning.
ReplyDelete@jax - it depends on if it's MDA or MDMA...because they're two very different beasts. Also, brain chemistry has a hand in it. I tried MDA for the first time a couple of months ago...and it didn't do shit for me. And for the record, I took a large amount. Later on, my friend told me that if you're naturally aggressive, it doesn't work all that well. Then again, two days prior to that, I took one stem and one cap's worth of 'shrooms and I thought I was in a damn manga...so everyone's experience is different.
ReplyDeleteBack to the topic. This guy is a douche. May he eat a bag of rusty assholes in hell.
I am the only one who thinks its extremely stupid that he didn't ditch the E before seeing the cops a second time?
ReplyDelete@surfer - thanks, was too lazy to look it up :) Yeah, this guy needs to be asked some hard questions.
ReplyDeleteI think that I read that he reported her missing to the hotel, who called the police. They found some evidence that made them believe she was dead. They told this to her husband, who then requested to go to his audition. They found her dead sometime after that. It's all kinds of messed up. I guess if she was hopped up on X, she could have fallen down the stairs.
ReplyDelete...or been pushed.
ReplyDeleteNightmare,thank you for your knowledge and not to sound all Mom,but please don't take chemicals.
Weed is strong enough these days to the trick and the shit they are putting in the the X and LSD is fucking insane. Not like when I was younger. lecture over. ;o)
@ daveb - Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
ReplyDelete@jax - Thanks...but I stick to the organics. If it doesn't come from the Earth, I don't consume it. I've got enough friends who do MDA and LSD doesn't do squat to me.
Isn't that the guy from the stupid clown band? Sans fards, as MichaelK would say?
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to think about this. I can almost see his side of it. I mean, if you are a person that can sing or whatever, and you get the chance to audition for this POS shit show that everyone watches and launches you to stardom (at least I'm sure that's what it feels like to these people) I'm sure you spend maybe weeks talking about this with your wife and think of all the "what-ifs". Then you party with your wife, go to sleep, think you hear her get up, go back to sleep, wake up a couple hours later (I know Enty said probably noon, but I'm sure I read it was more like 7am or something) and find she's not there. Do you blow your one shot? Can you imagine if she had gone to some restaurant or deli or something to get him breakfast for his special day and was sitting in traffic or got lost, and he missed the audition?
ReplyDeleteThey said he wasn't told she was found until after the audition. Maybe she took E, drank wine, then popped a sleeping pill to go to bed. Jack Nicholson said he almost drove off a cliff on Ambien.
I mean what person in their right mind would leave their hotel room and walk the hall in their underwear. If you kill your wife, dont you think you'll attract attention walking her down the hall in her underwear as you plan to get her to the stairwell to push her over?
Oh hell, who knows, maybe he did it.
Nightmare, my brother got f'd on that shit and eventually wound up on heroin, because nothing else gave him a high like that. I don't want to sound Mom-ish or like Mr. Mackey, but drugs are bad. I never bothered with them, and after watching the hell my brother went through for 15 years (3 years in jail for assault & he was high when it happened), I'm glad I didn't.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry...I just need to ask....how did the audition go?
ReplyDeleteok, just to play Devil's Advocate here, but *if* he wanted to kill his wife, why would he do it the night before a big audition, and why would anyone assume that a push down a half of a flight of stairs (which is what is at a hotel) would be enough? I mean, would you push someone down a half a flight of stairs thinking that that would be enough to kill them? And what if it wasn't enough? Then you have a witness on your hands. Don't most people go for something they are SURE will kill the person? Just some food for thought.
ReplyDeleteright on Jessica, I didn't read that you were doubtful of the story, too. It just doesn't add up, I think.
ReplyDeleteWhy wouldn't he ditch the E before he talked to the cops a second time?
ReplyDeleteHe's not stupid, people. He is a sociopath that murdered her so he could be 'single' on AGT.
ReplyDeleteWhat Jessica said.
ReplyDeleteHmmm....very fishy. I'm always suspect of the spouse. Especially if drugs are involved. Was there any previous violence history I wonder??