Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gavin Rossdale Finally Admits To Relationship With Marilyn

Well, that only took 25 years but Gavin Rossdale finally admitted to Details Magazine that he did have a relationship with Marilyn. I don't know why Gavin denied it all of these years, but he says, "I think at the outset there was a sort of fear—that was right at the beginning of Bush, and I didn't want it to be part of it. It felt like a cheap shot, so I was like, "I'm not getting involved." I've never wanted to appear closed about it. It's not something I've talked about really because it's always been in the glare of a tabloid world. It's just one of those things: Move on. When you're 17, Jesus Christ. I don't think there's anything strange about any form of—you're learning about life. It's a part of growing up. That's it. No more, no less."

Gavin also says it was a one time thing and Marilyn is the only guy he has been with. I think his reasoning for not saying anything is probably true, but at the same time, if you ignore something for 20 years people will keep speculating and I think that makes it worse than if you had just come out and admitted it right away and then its gone. People will forget and move on.

Details did not ask him whether he thought Gwen and Marilyn look very similar.


  1. "Details did not ask him whether he thought Gwen and Marilyn look very similar."

    Oh, snap!

  2. How did I not know this for 25 years! Wowsa. Its all making sense now....

  3. I know it's kind of "common knowledge" around here, but to me, this makes him the answer to the blind about the husband who won't let his wife change her look because if she does, he goes looking for trannies who look like her.

  4. a one time thing that lasted 5 years according to Marilyn !!

  5. I've never thought he was great looking, but he looks cute here and Marilyn is a pretty boy too. I wonder why he chose now to admit this; is he trying to sell something?

  6. Not a big deal in my opinion, what MIGHT be a big deal is what Maja mentioned - whether it's an ongoing thing.

  7. Is this Marilyn Manson? (Clueless here in crawling back under rock.)

  8. The time frame jibes with the behavior if it really was the start of Bush the 1st's term. AIDS was still a scandalous thing and though people were finally becoming educated about it, it was still in a shocked (or hushed) kind of way of discovering a friend had it or a friend of a friend. Had the affair happened about five years later -- say, 1992 -- Queer Nation would have been in full force and the same 17-year-old would have been wearing Doc Martens and pushed the affair intead of hide from it.

  9. (I mean, keep in mind, kd lang wasn't out as a lesbian in pop culture until 1992. kd lang! the timeframe we're talking about was on the cusp of a new era but not quite there yet)

  10. I feel sad for Gwen because once she really ages, she'll be a hot ass mess. Empowering, not.

  11. I read somewhere that Marilyn claims it was an ongoing relationship (several years) not a one night stand. Not that it matters, but if you are going to come out and say you've been with someone, at least tell the whole truth.

  12. Interestingly, Wikipedia shows Marilyn's birthday place as being, wait for it...Kingston, Jamaica.

    Ooooh, new game! The Six Degrees of Gavin Rossdale...

    Funny, I always thought Marilyn had died from a drug overdose way back in the day. I think I have always had him confused with another man who looked like a woman who was pals with Boy George.

  13. I also wonder why he admitted it now - but maybe noone asked him about it before? I have no idea.

  14. Tenley, honey, Gavin is referring to his band named Bush, not the U.S. president. He was afraid to admit he had a relationship with another man lest it affect record sales.


  15. Sunnyside, no, not that Marilyn.

  16. I don't think that Gwen resembles Marilyn.
    I don't know anymore where I read this but it was on some gossip site on which people discussed this topic a while ago. I found that comment so odd that I had to copy it.

    gwen has her secrets too, nose job, breast implants, born both sexes in NC, stole songs, dubbed over others songs, lying, lying, fake. no wonder gav married her tho, and she does look like marilyn. sucks he has this story, and i'm sick to my stomach

    Huh? Born both sexes?

  17. Maybe he did it because of that kid that committed suicide last week? Kind of like showing kids life goes on and to hang in there? Maybe?

  18. I'd be embarrassed if I were Gwen.

  19. Wasn't the interview done months ago? They usually are in the magazine world, so I doubt this was to coincide with some kid committing suicide recently.

    And Gwen born both sexes? So would that mean she was wearing a fake belly because I do recall seeing her pregnant and that would be a physical impossibility if born with undescended testes and a vagina.

  20. Marilyn was a British pop singer in the '80s.

  21. (He was basically a less successful Boy George.)

  22. sexuality isn't black and white,there are MANY shades of grey.

  23. @Maja. With a J. - I wondered that too.

    LOL @ Mina

    @Mina - There is that rumor about Lady GaGa so I wonder if that poster was getting the two confused...??

  24. Why should Gwen be embarrassed?

    Good for him for making a stand, which is really needed right now, but the truth is that it's no one's business but his.

  25. I can't help but root for them. they've been together for years. and clearly aren't the perfect "hollywood" couple. But who is? There is no such thing.

    good on them for actually working on their marraige and sticking together. I hope they last.
