Wednesday, October 27, 2010

David Arquette Was Back On Howard Stern

After saying that he should not have gone on Howard Stern and probably said too much about his relationship with Courteney Cox, David Arquette was back on Howard Stern and revealed even more about his marriage to Courteney and who they are both dating.

As for dating, David said that after he had sex with Jasmine Waltz the first time, he cried. He didn't mention if he cried any time after that. He also says that he has moved on from Jasmine and had sex with some Australian woman he met a party. He did not say her name which leads me to believe he might not know her name. Ahh, she must feel treasured.

David basically confirmed that Courteney is dating her Cougar Town co-star and called him a cool guy. Well, it is not like he can complain since he appears to be dating anything that walks. Oh, except for Jennifer Aniston. he says Jennifer is off limits. David also confirmed the couple did not have a pre-nup which means David will be walking away with way more money than he came into the marriage with.


  1. No wonder he's smiling...

  2. omg, when I heard that David Arquette had had sex with someone named Jasmine who had punched Lindsay Lohan and had (impossibly) been romantic with Ryan Seacrest, I cried too.

  3. if he has any hope of getting back with courtney he needs to keep his trap shut.
    no pre-nup? i thought courtney was smarter than that. must of thought the relationship was gonna last.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think he can kiss his marriage goodbye. Which co star is she dating? Not the douch who trash Jennifer A?

  6. I wish these two would keep their mouths shut.

    I have respect for them, I do.

    If they had an open marriage or whatever - what do I care?

    But they have a child and they need to think of her first when announcing this stuff. (And I put CCA in this category too (Not just David) because she knew what he was going reveal on Stern last time and approved)

    They seem like nice people, they just need to keep their traps shut.

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    He really sounds very immature.

  8. @Sunnyside it is Brian van Holt who is her co-star on Cougars.

    And the funny thing is Howard Stern's wife Beth O used to date Brian van Holt when he was in Hair on Broadway.

    Howard isn't a fan so to speak of Brian.

  9. Also, I would like to add that since I am a Stern fan and listened to the whole interview. Enty is leaving a big point out.

    David said he is still very much in love with Courtney and knows he is too immature for her.

    When you chop it up out of context like this he sounds like a dog. But he really is just messed up and is trying to live his life the way he knows how. It is nice for real answers and not PR spinning "allergic reaction" horseshit answers.

  10. I think Brian Van Holt was a blind reveal as that asshole at the bar telling some girls that unless they went home with him to have sex than to go away.

  11. Agree, Cecilia00. Frankly, I think he'd like his marriage to work, but seems willing to accept that Courtney doesn't. I think his behaviour can be (kinda) understood in that context.

  12. ya i love my wife but she says i'm too immature so i'm just gonna go on the radio and talk shit about my marriage like a 12yo to prove her wrong!!

  13. He didn't talk shit about her at all. He is just a giant toddler. What is sexy when you first start dating isn't as sexy 11 years later.

    They were always an odd couple.

  14. Wow, I'm really surprised. I'd have thought she'd have a prenup so tight it squeaked.

  15. Judging by the roles David has taken/gotten he doesn't seem to be too motivated by money. Other then the Scream movies he hasn't been in anything huge for paydays.

    I do agree, with Courtney's wealth i.e. Friends money and real estate holdings. I'm surprised her legal team didn't hold her down until she signed a pre-nup. But then again I don't see David doing a K-Fed and trying to sponge off her using CoCo for the next 18 years and alimony.

  16. David doesn't need money, he has millions of his own.

    I'm with TimeBob, I listened to both interviews with David Arquette on the Stern Show and he's really gotten the raw end of the deal in the media. I really wish everyone could/would listen to them in their entirety. I'm convinced the majority at least would leave with a favorable impression of David through this and rightly so. He may be the last genuine and honest guy in Hollywood

  17. I would really like to know what CC thinks of all this revelations to the media...I would be LIVID.
