Friday, October 29, 2010

Charlie Sheen Went On Racist Rant While Smoking Coke

Not only was Charlie Sheen snorting coke at the New York restaurant earlier this week, he also was cooking up rocks of coke and smoking them back at his hotel room. According to a source who is probably the hooker he was with that night, after Charlie started smoking coke he started pounding the walls of his hotel room and shouting the N word repeatedly. So, in addition to being a coke loving, hooker loving. porn star loving, wife beating, child porn watching, a-hole he is also a racist. I don't know anyone who yells out the N word for no particular reason other than the fact he was not happy with the choice of decorations on the wall of his hotel room. Oh, and according to the hooker, Charlie kept trying to have sex with her, but she refused until he paid her the $12,000 he promised for the night. He never paid so she didn't give him any sex.


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