Thursday, October 14, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This show for teens and made up of teens mostly (think younger than Gossip Girl) has more than just rumors of romance flying around the set. The cast and crew are dealing with an outbreak of crabs, and although several of the teen cast has it, so do some of the adults.


  1. You can get crabs from a toilet seat, or clothing, so I don't know what this blind is trying to insinuate.

    (Of course I do)

  2. Glee is the first one that popped into my mind, but is it 'younger than Gossip Girl'?

  3. Aren't the actors in "Glee" mostly in their 20's?

  4. If the cast is in their teens and there are more than several of them I think it rules out pretty much everything this side of the Disney/Nickelodeon series?

    It's probably Wizards of Waverly place or some other show I've never I guess I'm out of the guessing on this one:)

  5. Show from ABC Family? Secret Life of the American Teenage? I see ads for it when I sometimes watch reruns of Gilmore Girls.

  6. I hope it's not iCarly.

  7. iCarly? Come on, one of these blinds has to stick with them.

  8. What about that new show about a girl disappearing but her girlfiends receive texts and emails from her? What is that called????

  9. Momma I think that one is Dirty Little Liars. It's a good guess they are a bit younger than the Gossip Girl actors.

  10. i hate to say it but my first thought was icarly. for teens, made up mostly of teens (minus like spencer and freddie's mom).

  11. I thought Dirty Little Liars too.

  12. Its that stupid Jonas Brothers show on Disney, lol

  13. pretty little liars.

    the characters are in high school, whereas on gossip girl, everyone is in college

  14. I don't think iCarly is made for teens. I think something like Secret Life of the American Teenager is more of a teen oriented show. Disney/Nick are really for the tween and younger crowd.

  15. I vote secret life as well (it is my dirty little secret obsession!)

  16. My first guess was Secret Life of the American Teenager, and I'm sticking with it. It's a pretty sizable cast, and they pretty much talk about sex nonstop on the show, so it's not much of a stretch to think that could extend into real life as well.

  17. My first thought was iCarly, too, but that's geared towards tweens and grade schoolers. They're in high school now, but when the show started, they were in junior high.

  18. Degrassi - they all seem like they are having sex with one another anyway

  19. Crabs can be caught in more ways than just sex. If the set of this series has only a few washrooms available for cast and crew, it is easy for something like this to be spread to everyone who uses them. That's why you are supposed to wipe the toilet seat before you sit down, but even that might not help.

  20. maybe i just assume that icarly is for teens since im 23 and love it.
