Thursday, October 07, 2010

Ashton & Demi Have Open Marriage - Love Threesomes

So, that woman who had sex with Ashton Kutcher on the family couch while Demi Moore was not at home has come out with some more statements she could sell. It turns out that Ashton told her that he and Demi have an open marriage. Well, that is one way to convince a woman to have sex with you while you are married.

Apparently Ashton was not worried about having sex with this woman, he was worried because Demi was not present and their understanding is that Ashton can have sex with as many women as he wants as long as Demi is there to play with them too.

“He explained that he and Demi had a deal where they had to share lovers. He felt bad that he had been with me and didn’t share.”

Aww, isn't that touching. Feeling guilty because he did not share. I wonder if Bruce ever used to come over before he got married and do a little sharing too.


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