I think Alec Baldwin needed a movie etiquette refresher and the loving people of New York were happy to oblige. At a screening of Blue Valentine on Saturday, Alec exhibited the kind of behavior that I loathe at movies. He texted. Not once or twice but pretty much constantly. People who text during movies should realize that the light from the screen is visible everywhere and is really distracting.
So, to show their displeasure, several patrons began throwing M&M's at Alec. Guess what? It made him stop. You have to love New York. Why even bother going to the movies if you are going to sit there and text the entire time? I understand Alec did not pay to go see the movie, but I see plenty of people at movies who have paid $15 and spend most of their time texting. Just stay at home.
That and receiving/making calls drives me bananas, I never understood people's self importance that they cannot turn off their phones for 90+ minutes, WTF. Only people who should have their phones on in the movies are Doctor's who are on call, IMO
ReplyDeleteNext time I go to a movie, I'm getting a bag of M&M's before I go in. People talking during a movie is so annoying.
ReplyDeleteLove it.
ReplyDeleteAlec, is so arrogant...next time throw shoes..
ReplyDeleteThat is so wrong! And RUDE. NYers are the greatest; they don't let anyone get away with that shit.
ReplyDeleteI agree, why bother going? Text outside or stay at home and multitask while you watch DVD or On Demand. Don't ruin the experience for those of us who still find magic in the images on a giant screen in a darkened theater.
I love it, and love how Alec handled it! He is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love it, and love how Alec handled it! He is awesome!
ReplyDeleteYeah, Jamie's Girl... at least he stopped. Some New Yorkers would just yell "F-You" and continue their obnoxious behavior. Alec Baldwin grew up in Baldwin New York, on Long Island, and is a native New Yorker (as am I). He knows enough to abide by the will of the crowd!
ReplyDeleteMovies? Please. Try a $134.50 ticket to "South Pacific" and some yoyo is texting away. I did not know an usher that small could hustle an audience member out that quickly and quietly. Well done.
ReplyDeleteBaldwin's from the area;he knows better. He deserved the pelting and worse. This says volumes about him; apparently he is just as bad as his reputation.
At least he didn't yell "Do you know who I am?".
ReplyDeletei went and saw Conan's show, $60 and some dick is using his MacBook in front of me!
ReplyDeletei love this! i had this happen to me at a movie and that screen is like having a flashlight pointed at your eyes. i was almost blinded by this jerk's phone.
ReplyDeleteeveryone's way too 'wired' these days. relax and watch the fucking movie, or show or whatever it is you paid money to see. TURN THAT CRAP OFF!
New Yorkers are amazing. I went to see a Yankees game there with a boyfriend maybe 5 years ago, and an entire section of the stadium behind us was a high school from Boston. Yankees started losing and turned on the whole section from Boston yelling "1918 - clap clap clapclapclap!" until the entire section got up and filed out. I've never seen anything like it.
ReplyDeleteAt that point, the guy next to me turned to me and asked, "So where are YOU from?" I told him, "Vancouver." He said: "Vancouver. 1994. Remember 1994?" Unbelievable. (Canuck fans will remember that was the year we went to and lost the Stanley Cup final in Game 7)
My husband and I went and saw Buried last night. We live in Australia. Australians are the rudest people in movies. I had to turn around and say 'Quiet Please' to these two guys directly behind us, but there were people talking, deliberately burping loudly etc all through the film. If your pea brain can't cope with being quiet during a movie, DON'T GO! I am so sick of this BS. I am the only person I know who will call people out on their behaviour, but I can't call out everyone in the cinema, though I was tempted, and I don't see why I should have to go out and find an usher, they should come in during the screening, but they didn't.
ReplyDeleteAhh...I love New York(ers). :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea. You could silently pelt some a-hole who is ruining your movie experience & likely be undetected doing so.
One of my biggest pet peeves is doing ANYTHING that might interrupt the movie experience. I always end up sitting near a "talker" who likes to tell his seatmate what is going on in the movie. My husband always threatens to leave if I say anything so instead I seethe in silence.
Next time I go to a movie, I'm getting a bag of M&M's before I go in.
ReplyDeleteI'm smuggling in a bag of M&M's. The price of cinema noshes is off the charts. I NEVER buy stuff there but even my b/f was was shocked at the cost and he is from Norway where a can of Cherry Coke runs about $4.00 per can.
Some friends and I once went to Puerto Rico to visit a high school friend of mine who was living there and one night we went to the movies. She apologized ahead of time and said, "they act like ANIMALS in there!" Well, the movie we went to see was sold out and we decided to see the flick in the other theater which was a straight-to-video, female in distress type of movie. It was so bad it was hilarious and my friends and I hooted and yelled out and made enough of a scene that we embarrassed my Puerto Rican friend. Stateside it's a different story and I can't abide that crap. Once I kicked the chair--HARD--of a girl who wouldn't stop yapping in a movie. I've also yelled in the face of a kid who wouldn't shut up and he (and his mother next to him) were unmoved.