Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2/3 Of Nirvana And Their Producer Equals One Great Song - I Hope

For the first time in 20 years, Butch Vig, the producer of Nevermind, is working with Dave Grohl and The Foo Fighters on their new record. Oh, and according to Dave, Krist Novoselic, who was also in Nirvana, makes an appearance on the album. Now, if they could just do some kind of Nat King Cole/Natalie Cole resurrection of Kurt Cobain it would be like Nirvana never disappeared. But, then of course, Courtney Love would also get some of the money and probably complain the entire time while cashing the checks so let us just leave it at Dave and Krist. I can't wait to hear the song. It better not suck.


Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Just let it be them singing songs they wrote, and leave poor Kurt Cobain alone. Jesus. It's like dragging him out of his coffin for a tour. You know he would have hated something like that.

Cecilia00 said...

Can't wait to read Courtney's comments...

sunnyside1213 said...

What could Nirvan have been if Curt hadn't offed himself? Or been killed?

Anonymous said...

Love Foo. Love Dave G. Can't wait to hear new album and glad Krist is playing a part in it.

RocketQueen said...

Maybe this means Dave Grohl is finally over being offended anytime anyone asks him about Nirvana?? Love Grohl, but he *does* get pissy. Of course people are interested. It was NIRVANA for god's sake.

0 said...

I fully expect some kind of crackhead fuckery from C. Love regarding this. You know she's going to try to sabotage it in whatever way she can.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I might get pissy too when people want to discuss something that happened 20 years ago, as opposed to another career I've had in my own right for those last 20 years.

Seachica said...

Nirvana = most overrated band ever. Yawn.

jax said...

and a career he never would have had if he wasn't in Nirvana.let's not forget Dave played drums,not the front man in Nirvana. had Kurt not died and projected Nirvana into near cultism no one would give a toss about "the guy who played drums in Nirvana before they broke up." who knows if anyone today would give a shit about ANY of then if he was alive?

let's be real.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


Grohl is pretty talented. No doubt what you said propelled him, but he might have been able to do it on his own.

Ruse said...

Nirvana is the most overrated band ever?? Perhaps I should direct you to the musical abortion that is about overrated crapfest.

timebob said...

I have read in interviews where Grohl was a front guy in bands until he met Kurt. He knew how great Kurt was and was happy to take a back seat playing drums.

I mean if John Lennon said join my band would you turn him down so you can front a kiss cover band.

Hell no. Best thing Dave ever did was be part of Nirvana.

Jessica said...

Dave Grohl has been posting pictures on his Twitter during the recording of the album and he posted a picture of Krist a few days ago.
I kind of sat there in shock. He titled it something like "The best accordian player in the world!" so I wasn't expecting it.

karen said...

I couldn't have said it better myself, Valerie.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I would love to hear an explanation of how Nirvana is the most overrated band ever. Convince me.

Electric Warrior said...

Overrated is not one of the words I would use to describe Nirvana, maybe you've been subject to one too many CLove rants or heard Smells Like Teen Spirit too much, but that's a pretty bold statement to make. IMO there are so many other more deserving of that title.

That said, I'm glad Krist and Dave Grohl (one of the good guys...I used to live near his family and ran into him on several occasions, both when he was in Nirvana & Foo Fighters, and he was always very gracious and straight up hilarious)are collaborating again without fear of Courtney Love trying to squeeze a few bucks out of it.

jax said...

i'm not saying Dave isn't talented in his own right,but he can't just wash away the path that got him there.

like i said, if Kurt had not been murdered in the height of his career then they may have soon disbanded because of his on/off drug use and then who knows?

all i can say is thank god it brought us delicious little Taylor Hawkins.

Anonymous said...

LOL @jax - way to look on the bright side :-)

CDAN Mod said...

Indeed, Valerie.

chihuahuense said...

laughing my ASS off at most overrated band ever!!! With all the overpaid hack jobs out there and you think that THEY are the most over rated!!!!????? Dream on. They had real talent. I also think it is pretty presumptuous to think that they would've faded into obscurity if Kurt hadn't died. Although we'll never know, I don't buy it.

Maja With a J said...

Ruse, this is for you:

Majik said...

I'm pretty sure that Dave's pissy about Nirvana because a) 20 yrs ago, done amazing things since and b) not allowed to sing his own damned songs....except for Marigold, the only Nirvana song he holds exclusive rights to.

He dedicated it to me in concert one time. Not kidding. :)

Ruse said...

Love it Maja with a J!! I'm definitely going to torment some kiss fans with that!

Anonymous said...

It bothers me when people say Nirvana was overrated. I think to truly appreciate what Nirvana meant, you have to have a deep appreciation of just how incredibly fucking lame the music scene was when they burst out. No more "Don't Worry, Be Happy"....rock and roll was back, and parents nationwide were pissed. Oh, what a glorious time to be alive it was.

bionic bunny! said...

okay, don't hurt me, but i honestly don't know if i know any nirvana songs. and even _I_ know kurt didn't off himself.
and i agree, kiss was one of the most ridiculous "bands" to ever hit the planet.
granted, i don't remember exactly what i WAS listening to back then.

there are way too many "know"s in that first paragraph.

Robert said...

I've heard that the reason CLove's "Live Through This" was such a good album was that Kurt Cobain wrote most or all of it. True? I don't know, but it sounds plausible.
I've heard the same argument regarding Kurt's musical immortality applied to Marilyn Monroe: if she hadn't died when she did the way she did, she may have just faded in to genteel obscurity ala, for example, Lauren Bacall.

MoodyBlueEyes said...

brendalove - EXACTLY! when Nirvana (and the rest of the grunge/Seattle bands) burst onto the scene, it was musical bliss, IMO. those were great times!

As far as Grohl and the Foo - amazing. LOVE them and can't wait to hear the new stuff. i KNOW it won't suck.

@ruse - your comment had me laughing my ass off... my b/f is a HUGE kiss fan and I razz him all the time. i despise them!


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