Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10 Year Old Boy Falls 20 Stories - Has Only Minor Injuries

A ten year old boy in China fell 20 stories yesterday and escaped with only minor injuries. CCTV footage shows that the boy was sitting on a window sill during a rain storm in Guiyang when the next thing you know he was falling out through the window and 20 stories to the ground below. The boy landed on a car roof which broke, and the back windshield. The boy's head landed on a pillow in the back seat. Unbelievable. The boy suffered some minor injuries and does have some bleeding on the brain, but the doctors are not worried. He suffered no fractures. None. You fall 200 feet and get no broken bones. And then you have someone like Natasha Richardson who falls a couple of feet and dies. Oh, and last month a man in New York survived a 39 story drop. Incredible.


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