Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Too Many Hookers - George Lopez And His Wife Call It Quits

After 17 years together and the gift of a kidney, Ann Lopez apparently could not take all the cheating anymore so the couple has decided to end their marriage. George's publicist released a statement that says what you would think. You know, something about how this was mutual and how they remain close and blah blah blah. Whatever. I doubt it was mutual for Ann. I mean when the guy you gave a kidney to so he could live decides he would rather have sex with multiple hookers in one day rather than be with you it has to sting a little bit. Oh, and I don't want you to think the hookers was a one time thing. Nope. Everytime he went out of town there were hookers.

I am surprised she didn't leave him when the reports first surfaced. Ann stuck it out through the summer and you just know every one of those days sucked. I think if you get a kidney from your wife you pretty much have to suck it up and be with them forever in a loving way. You would be dead if it was not for your wife. She gave you an organ!


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