Monday, September 13, 2010

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This just about A list female tweener turned up almost unannounced at a children's hospital this weekend. There was no press and no announcement and no hooplah. Our tweener was there to see the kids. The kids, many of whom are so sick they lack much energy at all, completely lit up when they saw her. She spent 5-15 minutes with each of them, talking and hugging, etc. In the past, other celebrities who have gone to this particular hospital have been afraid to touch the kids, but not our tweener.


MontanaMarriott said...

Miranda Cosgrove

Anonymous said...

Selena Gomez

kcqueen said...

Taylor Swift @St. Judes Childrens cancer hospital.

3 Degrees of Frustration said...

That was my thought and I hope you're right MM!

She seems pretty well grounded, and I'd like to think that at least a few of these kids can make it out of the Hollywood mean grider with their souls and their futures intact.

The Nightmare Child said...

I want to say Miranda Cosgrove...I really do...this sounds like something she'd do....but I don't think of Miranda as A-List.

So, I'm going to band wagon and say Taylor Swift. I can't stand her music, but she seems like she'd be sweet enough to do something like this.

Whoever it is, they get major points in my book...and my devotion as a fan.

I want a reveal for this one. Who's with me?

sunnyside1213 said...

I am with you Nightmare...a reveal is required.

clatie said...

I don't think Taylor Swift could be considered a tweener anymore. And didn't I read somewhere that iCarly was the most viewed television show in the US?

Violet said...

please reveal, this is lovely can't understand the blindness x p.s taylor is definately not a tweener

G said...

ENTY reveals the kindness ones.
I am thinking Miranda, because Taylor has to be A list with all of her awards. Miranda is "almost".

stephani said...

Yeah, Taylor Swift is a household name at this point. Isn't that the very definition of A-list? This has to be either Miranda Cosgrove or Selena Gomez.

L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jagerlilly said...

I hope this is Miranda.

L said...

Oops I mean Demi Lovato at TX Childrens

trinnean said...

I am actually going to go with another iCarly actress, Jennette McCurdy. I am not that familiar with the tweeners these days so I'm not sure if she's "just about A-list", but she was in Memphis last week doing a meet-and-greet and expresses appreciation for St. Jude's there in this article:

It's possible she decided to stop by after her "official" duties were over.

trinnean said...

Actually, meh, I take that back, I just looked her up and she's 18, too old to be a "tweener".

Judith said...

Mirando Cosgrove is in the pictures today.

Judith said...

Oops - Selena Gomez is also, both from VMA. So, that proves nothing & I don't know either of them.

Maddie said...

I've read about Selena Gomez visiting children's hospitals in the past and have seen pics of her hugging the kids. It sounds like it's something she may do on a regular basis so I say this is her.

KESfromMA said...

Demi Lovato was just at Children's Hospital in Boston. There are pictures of her hugging patients on the CHoB facebook page.!/photo.php?pid=14584022&id=256005430332&ref=fbx_album&fbid=10150262207165333

RenoBlondee said...

My first thought is Miranda as well. I don't think Selena or Demi are almost A list but Miranda defintely is. I hope it's her, I really want her to be a great person, my kids love her and she's so talented.

City Councilman Doug said...

With trinnean..

Please oh please be Jennette!

City Councilman Doug said...

With trinnean..

Please oh please be Jennette!

City Councilman Doug said...

With trinnean..

Please oh please be Jennette!

City Councilman Doug said...

With trinnean..

Please oh please be Jennette!

City Councilman Doug said...

With trinnean..

Please oh please be Jennette!

mazshad said...

Whoever it is - big kudos, she rocks !

Sadie said...

its abigail breslin, im sure of it

Sorka8 said...

NO way we can call Taylor Swift a tweener! Besides I don't see her doing this either.

I'm going with Miranda for the win.

Please reveal this lovely person.

Laura said...

Dakota Fanning?

shakey said...

LOL @ Laura!

Lisa said...

Most of you hate her but I know for fact Miley Cyrus and her family are very involved with St. Judes.

Rebecca said...

It is Selena, she does it all the time...All over the country. No pap pictures, just kids posting pictures to Twitter/FB when she leaves :)


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