Friday, September 17, 2010

Ted C Blind Item

So last time we checked, multi-talent stud dude Oded Good-Head gave his manager the surprise of a life-time by getting serviced in his dressing room by a male fan. Could that be—as we correctly predicted—why Oded was soon thereafter seen going on (and on) about the joys of the female sex in the media?


But, it's getting weirder:

Not only is Oded, a truly handsome and gifted artist, arranging debauched and crazy sex scenes with gals like our beloved Toothy Tile has done (to be fair, Tooth didn't make it a habit like Oded's currently doing), but, he's making a little bit too much out of these hook-ups.

He Twitters things like:

"baby get that sweet stuff back on my box banger"

Or something more Shakespearean, when he's really feelin' the love:

"u k after I blew u wide open @carayzcoochie?"

And, of course, the result is exactly what Oded and his management team want: Good-Head's fans and followers are getting in on it—debating whether or not Oded is going too far. With the chicks, that is. Some famous, some not. Mission accomplished!

Meanwhile, everybody who isn't in the know (and doesn't realize he's talking about boning guys half the time) is staying away from what already quite a few of Good-Head's colleagues are hip to: the fact that Oded's getting sloppier and sloppier about "banging" his boy-entourage on the down low. Like, all the time.

Guess a man's gotta do what he's gotta do, right?

Just start being honest about it on Twitter, jerk. Hey, you may lose your fan-base, Oded, but, you'll replace it with a whole new one!

It Ain't: Will Smith, Robert Pattinson, Chris Brown


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