Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Anna Nicole Case - Again

It has been 15 years since J. Howard Marshall died. When he died Anna Nicole Smith said that her elderly husband had promised her $300M when he died. Instead she got nothing. So, for the past 15 years the case has been heard in Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and in Washington DC. Yesterday the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case one more time.

Anna Nicole Smith met her late husband while stripping. Anna was 26 and her husband 89. Since the death of J. Howard Marshall, his son has died, Anna has died, Anna's oldest child has died and one of the people accused of maybe contributing to the death of Anna, Howard K. Stern is in charge of Anna's estate with Larry Birkhead.

At this point, lawyers in the case must have spent $50M in fees or more. You would think the heirs of the estate would throw Dannielynn a bone and give her $50M and make the whole thing go away. That the heirs have kept fighting shows how much they must have disliked Anna.


  1. The problem is that whatever bone Dannilynn gets, the lawyers will take it all anyway and she'll still end up with nothing.

  2. If he wanted to leave her $200M he would have put it in a will.

  3. I think the heirs also disrespected J. Howard. They are greedy and disgusting. I'm sad that Dannielynn has now become old enough to hear about all this ugliness without it being resolved. I hope she gets her smarts and heads off into obscurity to live happily ever after.

  4. The family has mega bucks. They can fight this forever. I think they should just settle and let it go away.

  5. the old dude married her,he liked her sexy body and he was a horny old dude and his greedy, slimey relatives can't get past that.

    jesus, get over it already.

  6. She deserves every penny for having slept with his decrepit ass. He loved her and in some strange way, she loved him. What barometer do you use to judge love? Give her half!

  7. Agree, Jax. I have no doubt in my mind that she wouldn't have married him without the money, but I also believe he promised it to her, and therefore, her estate should have it.

  8. The problem I have with this situation is Anna Nicole's claim that she loved J. Howard and would have married him even if he had no money. Uh huh. 63 year age difference? No problem.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @J I agree! Even though the thought of the 90 year old men wanting to bone her makes me wanna cringe, she earned it. What I find odd is hat he didn't put her in his will, so what was that about?

  11. Robert - remember Anna Nicole was from MEXIA! Have you ever been there? I have. She would have married him anyways, trust.

  12. she didn't sleep with him. she barely spoke to him. he was a sick old man with an enormous ego, but he really didn't know what he was doing when he married her.
    i was all for the family fighting her, but now that she's dead, i think they should give the blameless child some money. god knows they have plenty, even with all the money they've spent on this case.

  13. i swear i've read or heard that they never consummated the marriage.. .. wait it was one of the arguments the family has put forth over the years on why not to give her money.. whew bothered me i couldn't remember

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. A friend of mine had access the court documents pertaining Anna Nicole's case. She had to read them as part of her job (which she used to gloat about). She didn't share anything juicy with me but she did say that she found herself feeling a great deal of sympathy toward Anna Nicole the deeper she got into the case, which surprised her. She also said that Marshall's son came off horribly in some of the depositions and was no devoted son. The moral of the story: keep a will and keep it updated.

  16. btw- no one should get all of it. i just mean...shit she diddled an OLD CORPSE FFS! give the baby something.

  17. I thought Supreme Court decisions were final? Maybe that is only in Canada. I am beginning to get them mixed up.
