Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Someone Who Hates Joe Francis More Than Me

It continues to amaze me how many people are still willing to give Joe Francis money or to buy his products or think he is a swell guy. For some high school idiot who just sees a commercial on television and has no idea who or what Joe Francis is or how he would be perfectly willing to have sex with your underage sister I might be willing to give a free pass. To others though like the Kardashians who invite Joe to every party they have and love nothing more than to hang out with him, I feel sick. Let me know what you think about him Kim after he tries to convince your younger sisters to make a tape with him.

Anyway, a guy who worked for Joe Francis for five years has written a tell all book that actually tells all. No this is where I was born and went to school and blah blah blah. This is only good stories that show Joe Francis and Girls Gone Wild in a negative light.

Joe of course is trying to block the publication of the book. I don't see why. Anyone who reads already knows what miserable scum he is. The publisher of the book is fighting back and used these words to describe Joe Francis in their lawsuit.

"Convicted felon; child molester; jail-baiting pervert; pimp; sick bastard; sleaze-peddler; tax cheat; rapist; sleazehole; the epitome of a true misogynist, coked-out amoral direct marketer; violent thug; juvenile smut-peddler; sexual predator; one of the 50 most loathsome people in America; and the Douche of the Decade."

Could not have said it better myself.


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