Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Shelley Malil Needs Some Glasses On His Way To Jail

I guess when you are on trial for premeditated attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon and residential burglary you will come up with pretty much any excuse to avoid going to jail, but Shelley Malil, who was in 40 Year Old Virgin has come up with one that no one is going to believe. According to testimony given by Malil's ex and stabbing victim, Kendra Beebe, Malil came up to her and made it seem like he was going to hug her and then stabbed her 20 times."He said, 'Kendra, Kendra, Kendra.' … I saw a flash of silver, and he goes bang, bang, bang,"

Malil's lawyer has said that Malil did not realize it was Kendra he was stabbing and that he thought he was stabbing Malil's new boyfriend David Maldonado.

In fact, Malil's lawyer has even said that Malil thought he was "fighting off" Maldanado and had no idea he was stabbing Beebe. Uh huh.


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