Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ryan Seacrest & Jennifer Lopez Fighting

I love how rumors are already starting about how much of a diva Jennifer Lopez is on American Idol. I fully hope there are rumors like this everyday until the end of the season. In Touch is reporting that Ryan Seacrest and Jennifer have been arguing about dressing rooms and top billing and a bunch of other meaningless crap to people who are on unemployment. I mean if you are getting paid $12M to judge a hyped up high school talent show that is televised who cares how big your dressing room is. Build one out in the parking lot. Buy a trailer. Do something. I have no sympathy for either of them. I think this season will probably end up making a good book but it will need Steven Tyler to go crazy a couple of times and someone to notice Randy Jackson. He is kind of the forgotten guy in all this.


  1. Ugh. Who cares. And who would expect any less from JLo?

  2. Why am I not surprised?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for this tidbit of information. It's such a turn off that it reinforces my decision to limit my tv time and keep my electricity bill down.

    Reality TV is going to send me back to reading books full time. This is the end of the definition of television that was recognized by old skoolers.

    I can't relate to the bunch of talentless nobodies who have taken over the media and are now considered celebrities.

    Ryan and JLO? Get serious.

  5. These bitches need to get over themselves.

  6. I think these are planted rumors to keep talking about the show, and ultimately have everyone watch to see for themselves. TIIC must be getting some sort of inkling that lots of people plan on NOT watching this season.

  7. Ryan and Randy have been with the show since the beginning. They should be treated like grand poobahs! JLo needs to sit down and shut up. If she can contribute to the show returning to the hit it was, then she can be a diva. She will have earned it then.

  8. I agree w/ @Patty. Seniority should matter here, IMO.

    I wonder how much they will end up regretting hiring her.

  9. Heehee. This makes me more interested in American Idol. A diva bitch fight between jLo and Gaycrest = must see teevee!

  10. looserdude, do you really think they will show that?

  11. I'm with not on my dollar on this one.

    I am apparently missing NOTHING of any substance whatsoever on TV these days.

    Modern TV has done one good thing for me, though -- I kick ass on the NY Times Crossword!

    And people make fun of me for watching cartoons half the GD time (and football in-season)...sheesh.

  12. They did not get the 'wow' they wanted from the announcement, so now they are trying to stir up trouble. Ain't gonna happen.

    A pile of L O S E R S!

  13. oh enty...remind me to tell you sometime how jho's demands weasel in on marc's tour & show riders since 2005. it's awesome. makes for fun reading and scoffing among production teams.

  14. Oh Pookie - tell us now!
