Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Random Photos Part Two

Kellan Lutz actually wearing clothes.
Is that like a fanny pack on the front of Kelly Rutherford's dress?
Kanye with a rare smile.
Apparently Larry Hagman has a hat for driving and carries another one for when he is not driving.
Fashion out of newspapers.

So, do you think Lindsay is doing drugs everyday in anticipation of jail?
Ali does not look so good.
Miley and Liam at the airport.
Randomness. Ne-Yo and Adam Levine.
And Phil Collins shows how you can pick your nose with glasses.


  1. Lindsay was cute as a Disney Princess. Miley was cute as a Disney Princess. Now they are just two ridiculously young idiot hos.

  2. uuummm, Ali looks BEYOND bad, wowsa!

    i <3 Adam Levine, this is no secret *sigh*

  3. Is that really Kanye?

  4. Is that really Ali?

    Those paper dresses look fantastic.

  5. Kanye lookin dapper. I luv his style. I know most people can't stand him but I love him. He says whatever the hell is on his mind and doesn't give a fuck what others think. I respect that.

  6. Those newspaper dresses look better than half the crap at Fashion Week.

    Don't be silly. Lindsay isn't going to jail any more than Paris or Charlie Sheen or any of the rest of them. Celebrities have their own set of rules.

  7. No question Ali's into the bad shit, too.

    Aw, Hagman. I have such a soft spot for him ever since Dallas.

    I almost didn't recognize Kellan with clothes on! Looked like a young Brad Pitt!

  8. rocketqueen- since dallas? i dream of jeannie was a great show!
    but he was SO wonderfully evil on dallas!

  9. I'm starting to question whether Kellen is a but his face?

    Ali really does look scary.

  10. Okay now I want one of those newspaper dresses.

  11. Kanye should smile more often.

    I like the newspaper dresses too! For some reason they seem less ridiculous than the other fashion shows we've seen on here.

    I wish Lindsey would wear something other than leggings.....that doesn't even look like here there.

    Ali looks ROUGH.

  12. Hagman was best in I Dream of Jeannie reruns. It took place in Cocoa Beach where I worked for awhile. There's even a (very small) I Dream of Jeannie Lane!

    Adam Levine never struck me as being very tall but he's towering over Ne-Yo.

  13. Really though. Ali looks like this meth addict that roams the streets near my house. Even down to her outfit. Just sad...

  14. Ali is probably having to pull in all the cash for Dina. Can't be pretty.

  15. Ali Lohan has a rough row to hoe, so to speak. IMHO, we shouldn't be so hard on her, yet. I remember when Lindsay first started her downward spiral. There was a picture of her walking down the street. I think it was a pic from filming Herbie. I think she had on a graduation gown. Everyone made such a huge deal about how fat she was.. Soon after that there was a pic of a much much smaller Lindsay with a skinny bitch tshirt and that was all she wrote. She might have been way out of control before that, IDK, and her having no parental guidance was surely a factor, but I think we should all lay off the kids when it comes to weight and bad pics. We all take bad pics. We all have bad days. Don't snark on the kids.

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