Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Principal Rooney Avoids Jail

According to TMZ, Jeffrey Jones who played Principal Rooney in Ferris Bueller, plead guilty today to not keeping up with his sex offender registration. Instead of three years in jail with people who would make him regret taking pictures of minors, Jones gets to stay on the streets doing three years formal probation and also will be cleaning up roads for 250 hours. Make sure you throw some trash at him if you see him.


  1. Sex offender. What ever did he do?

  2. OK...looked him up. Child porn. I will definitely be thowing some rotten eggs at this guy.

  3. Will never, never, never understand child porn sex offenders. The registry is the best idea from law-makers, but a scarlet letter tattooed on their forehead would be better.

  4. @anarchi - I can think of an even better way of dealing with them :)

  5. Yuck. I wonder how his career is doing now (too lazy to IMDB it). He was great in Ravenous, one of my favourite movies.

  6. I thought he was dead.

  7. Just suck some Pepsi into a straw and spit it in his face. :-)

  8. They need to do a better job with the sex registry, though. My mom had a client who had her daughter's boyfriend arrested because he was 20 and she was 16. I'm not saying it was okay for him to date or sleep with her, but he shouldn't be labeled a pedophile for the rest of his life, imo.

  9. I guess Jeffrey Jones learned that only the big name stars - like Michael Jackson and Roman Polanski - can get away with this stuff. If you're a big enough name, you'll have tons of defenders and supporters. A minor name - not so much.

  10. Rooney! You're an asshole!

  11. celebrity justice, people. we should be used to it.

  12. it's pled guilty or pleaded guilty

  13. @Cheryl: The funniest scene in that movie!

  14. It's funny. Nobody seems to remember when MJ's body guards all came out after his death and said the child porn and pervert stuff never happened. Confidentiality agreements evidently don't follow someone into the grave. Please stop people, please. If any of that were true right now we would be reading horror stories. True?? True!

  15. I'm with you _ -_=_.
